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Ro's Pov.
After Lisa had left and i locked the door behind her i just broke down and cried,i can't believe she'd do this shit after all the stuff she was saying to me the other night that she wants to marry me and shit,i just can't believe it.

I texted Liyah and asked her to come over because i just need someone to talk too.Within 5 minutes she came over.

"Whats happened girl"she said softly as she came in.

"Can we go upstairs and i'll tell you"i said and she nodded her head.

We went upstairs and sat on my bed.

"So whats happened girl".

"L-Lisa cheated on me with t-two people"my tears were threatening to come out of my eyes and i was trying not to cry.

"Do you want me to go and torch their house up".

"No thank you"i laughed a little.

"I-I just can't believe she'd do this to me Liyah after all the shit we've been through together.I let her live with me when she had no one else to live with,i-I-I forgive her after she cheated on me with Cube,i've stopped her from doing stupid shit that'd get her stuck in prison, i've even waited for her whilst she was in prison for 4 years and we've even got a son together....I-I just can't believe she'd do this to me Liyah"i sobbed into her.

"It's gunna be okay Ro"she stroked my hair as i cried "i'm gunna beat Lisa's ass when i see her".

"Anyways i bet she's at my house now talking to Brat about what she's done".

Lisa's Pov.
"I can't believe yo stupid fucking ass fucking cheated on a beautiful loving caring girl over two good looking people that probably do not care about yo ass at all"Brat shouted at me.

"Man i know what i did was wrong but stop shouting at me,Damn".

"You gon get it worse when Ro tells Ti,she will come from all the way from ATL to here to beat yo ass for whatchu did".

I sat down on the sofa and crossed my arms and legs whilst Brat was ranting on.

"Honestly Li i will not blame Ro if she beats yo ass for whatchu did to her or if Ti bea-"she was cut off due to my phone ringing.

"Hello"i answered and i had my ear damn near blown off due to someone shouting.

"Lisa what the fuck were you thinking fucking cheating on Ro with two thirsty ass sex craving people"Tionne shouted down the phone.

"Man don't shout at me like that,i've had enough of that off Brat".

"Well you gon get more because i'm on my way to California now".

"I told you Lisa she'd find out"Brat said and i stuck ma finger up at her.

"How do you know what i did,Did Ro tell you?".

"No actually Liyah did but you better get ready for yo ass to get beat Lisa"she said and she put the phone down on me.

"She ain't gon do shit"i yelled.

"Li you know how hot tempered Ti can get so she probably will".

"Well so am i"i frowned "can i stay here tonight anyways please".

"Yes but you better sort shit out with Ro soon".

"I doubt i'll be able too because she's gon be mad at me fora while".

"I know she will be but just try yo fucking best Li because thats all's you can do right now".

The next day.
Me and Brat were sat out the back just smoking a blunt whilst we were talking about some things.Aaliyah stayed at Ro's house last night and i'm glad she did tbh because i could not be bothered with her down my throat either.

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