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Lisa's Pov.
"Family and Friends of Rozonda Thomas"the doctor said as he came out of the room.

"Yes"most of us said.

"Rozonda is now okay.She has lost a bit of blood,she was cut with a blade on her inner thigh and she is kind of traumatised over what happened and she's gunna need some time to try get over this incident because she's quite shook".

Man i can't believe this shit.

"Would i be able to see her Doctor"i asked.

"She is quite shook up miss".

"Please doctor my girlfriend is in there and i wanna make sure she's okay"i said.

I could tell Ava was probably looking at me like i can't believe this bitch didn't tell me,Eric already kinda knew about me an Ro.

"Fine you can go in"he opened the door for me and i went in.

"You okay baby"i asked her.

"No"she shook her head.

"You wanna tell me whats happened"i grabbed hold of her hand and looked at her.

"W-Well when i was in the b-back of the van one of the girls tried t-touching me so i booted her then they all started beating me.When i got to the factory th-they took me to that office and D-Daryls sister raped me and i kept trying to get away from her so she cut my thigh so i'd stop then D-Daryl had his o-own way with me"i could see the fear in her eyes when she told me that.

I'm glad i killed them bastards.I don't know why but bad shit always happens to her and i hate it,its like when other people do things she pays the consequences and it fucking kills me to see her hurt.

"They're dead now baby so its okay,they ain't gon touch you again".

"Lisa why do people always want to hurt me"she said with eyes full of tears.

Man i hate seeing her cry because it breaks my heart.

"I-I don't know baby but i ain't gon let anyone else hurt you or take you away,if they try to hurt you they're gunna have to hurt me first before they get to you".

She looked at me and just started bawling.I carefully got into the hospital bed with her and let her cuddle into me as she cried,i softly stroked her hair as she did.

"I promise you baby i ain't ever gon leave you".

About 10 minutes later,she had calmed down and she was just cuddled into me.

"Baby i think yo mom and Eric wanted to see you so i'm gunna go get them"i carefully slipped from underneath her.

"Lisa"she grabbed hold of my arm "please don't tell my mom where it happened or who by because she might tell the police and they'll start looking for them but you can tell Eric if you want".

"Okay,i love you"i kissed her head then walked out of the room.

"Miss.Thomas Ro wants to see you and Eric".

"Okay but i need to talk to you girly"she pointed at me.

I'm probably in trouble,aren't i.


We walked down the hall so nobody could hear us.

"Lisa why didn't you tell me you were with my daughter"she sounded annoyed.

"I don't know,we didn't really tell anyone because they found out so we thought we'd leave it".

"You could've at least told me Lisa,i let you live in my house till you got yo own but you had to keep my daughter and you're relationship a secret and didn't bother to tell me"she raised her voice a little.

"Look Miss.Thomas i didn't want to tell you cause i didn't know what yo reaction would be but i really do love you're daughter,she's did things for me that no one else has and thats most of the reasons why i love her but if you don't want us to be together i don't think i'd be able to not be with her because i love her too much to let her go and i'm not about to let anyone come between us again".

She looked at me and i thought she was gunna slap me but to my surprise she pulled me into hug.

"Baby don't be stupid i'm not bothered if you're with Rozonda just as long as you treat her good and don't cheat on her and please call me Mama from now on".

"Okay i will,i'm happy that you accept us"I smiled at her.

"It's fine baby,i better go see her now".

"Okay mama"she give me a kiss on my cheek then went to go see Ro.

I walked back to where they were all sitting and Ti,Aaliyah,Kim and Kidada were there.

"Guys imma go do something then i'll be back soon if Ro wants me or needs me just call me".

"We will"they said.

"Aight,see ya'll later"i said to then.


I walked to the elevator and got it then went to the parking lot to get in my car.I got in my car then went over to Brats house.

Once i got there i got in the shower and put my clothes in the wash and changed into something comfortable.I got Ro some clothes and put them in a bag then i went to the porch to smoke my blunt that i had rolled up earlier.

Man i honestly can't believe the shit thats happened to Ro,it is fucking killing me seeing her hurt and its killing me for what she had to go through.
"Lisa w-where did you go"Ro asked,i could see that she was shaking a little.

"I only went to Brats house baby so don't worry"i sat beside her and took her hand in mine.

"I-I'm sorry Lisa i just feel unsafe when you aren't here"she began tearing up again.

I can tell that they have really have affected her.

"It's fine baby and don't worry imma stay here with you till you can go home and when i have to go some where i'll get Ti or someone here to stay with you".

"Will you come lay with me please"she moved over a little for me.

"Yeh"i got in the bed and laid down,she laid her head on me and i wrapped my arms around her.

Man i swear no matter what happens between me and Ro i'm always gon be there for her through everything because she has my heart and she'll always have it.

I ain't gunna let nobody hurt her.
Aww poor Ro she is really going through it and you can tell it's hurting Lisa as well.

I'm glad that Ro's mom accepts them.

Will this affect Ro for a while or do you think she'll get over this?

I've got some more drama coming in one of the chapters soon.


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