Retreiving the map

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Everyone had finally gotten back onto the boat with Jasmine, so Chris, Seb, Bucky and I began to walk towards where Bucky said the map was. "Now listen guys, I've got a plan.." Bucky says.
"This one isn't almost going to get us killed like last time?" Chris says.
"You sure?" Sebastian asks worriedly.
"So what's the plan Buck?" I say, curious.
"Well, I was thinking that I could pretend I'm still brainwashed and that would be able to get me into the location we need to be at."
"Ok, but what are we going to do?"
I tilt my head slightly confused, but I get the rough idea of the plan so I nod.
"I'm in" Chris says.
"Let's go get it!" Sebastian says.
"Gracie?" Bucky says, hopeful.
I see a tall metal rack, filled with spaces for weapons. Most of them are empty, aside from one. The large circular shield catches my eye, and flip it over so I can hold it. Wait a second, what's this? On the back of the shield is a large map, with a massive red 'x' in the middle. I scratch my head. Surely this can't be the map Bucky was talking about! I carefully pull the map off of the metal and flip it over.
A small picture of Steve is paper-clipped to the top, and a bunch of random facts such as height, weight, and hair colour are below.
Steve Rogers
"Woah! Are those coordinates?"
Bucky, Sebastian and Chris come running over, to see what I'm holding. Bucky grabs the picture of Steve off of the map and holds it to his face. "We'll be there soon Steve, I promise."
"Do you guys know how to track coordinates?" Chris, (who is now holding the map) asks.
"Yeah, I can just enter them into the boat. Easy peesy." Bucky says, not taking his eyes off of the picture. "Awesome! Let's go find Steve then!" Sebastian says.
"Wait.. is this where you thought the map would be Bucky?" I ask, concerned. "Yeah.. I thought there would be guards protecting it, that's all.." I feel a wrenching sense of unease come over me. "Yeah, pretty weird". "So we don't have to do any of the plan?" I ask. "Nope!" Bucky says back. We make our way back to where the fight occurred, and pick up both Peter and Elliott, then begin climbing down to the boat. "Oh no-" Sebastian says suddenly. I see the map, falling down towards the water. "The map! Somebody catch it!" I yell. Jasmine reaches her arm out lazily, and catches the map, just inches from the water. "I got it!" She yells.

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