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Day 1 on a plane- 14/8/41
Jasmine's asleep two seats to my left, her AirPods still in. I glance at her phone. Somebody to love by Queen, obviously. On my right there's Arabella. She's watching Spider-Man Far From Home, one of the oldest Spider-Man movies to date. I mean, 2019? Wow. I'm watching a compilation of cute RDJ x Chris E videos.What a shame Rdj is over 30 years older than Chris now. I'd love to have seen their relationship progress. I sigh. I still don't know how I feel about Chris and Sebastian volunteering for "going under ice". On one hand, I'm pretty glad since they're both closer to my age now, but on the other hand, I feel sorry for all their family and friends. I gaze out the window. Sebastian's voice echoes throughout my head. "Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?" I hear him say. So vivid. So- I'm cut off by someone speaking next to Jasmines aisle seat. I look up. A shining face stares at me, and I stare back blankly. 'No ones sitting here', I begin to say. A tall man takes his seat next to me, and respectfully puts his luggage at his feet. I watch as he pulls a magazine out from his bag.
2030s encyclopaedia
I skim over the front cover in confusion. Who on Earth would want to read that? Only someone who's been in a coma would need the "decade encyclopaedia"!
It hits me.
Slowly, and unnoticeably I tilt my head around to look at the man's face. Sure enough, the man is no one but Sebastian Stan himself. I immediately feel my face getting redder and redder. I look at Arabella but she too, like Jasmine, has fallen asleep. I turn back to Sebastian, but he has closed his eyes too and daintily layed his head back onto the headrest. All of a sudden our side of the plane rattles, and everyone jolts awake. I glance around for a waitress or someone, but they're all inside the cabin. Then, abruptly, the escape door swings open and a distinguishable man jumps inside the plane. The door swings shut. "Has anybody seen someone by the name of Steve Roger-". He stops and turns to face Sebastian. "Who.. are you?" He says in confusion. "Why do you look like me?" Sebastian stands up and walks down the aisle towards the man. "..Bucky?" Sebastian says. Bucky steps back. "You.. know my name?". Sebastian nods.
"Oh boy.." Bucky says, uncertainty in his voice. "Everything alright?" Sebastian says comfortingly. Bucky shakes his head. "I need to go back. Now!"

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