The boat

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Jeremy unties the rope around the boat and everybody tiredly trudges on. Jeremy shows Bucky how to man the engine and controls, and everyone else takes their seat. Bucky starts up the boat, and the engine rattles awake. "Goodbye Everyone!" Jeremy shouts as we pull away from the dock. He, and Tom Hiddleston wave us off, and we watch as their faces slowly get smaller, and further away and we speed off. I sit down next to Bucky, who's steering. Jasmine walks up and sits on the opposite side. "Hey, so where exactly are we going?" She says to Bucky, who maintains eye contact with the water ahead. "Well, if you look on this radar here.." he says, pointing to a small screen, "you'll see that there's a red dot. That's where we're going". "What exactly is it though?" Jasmine says, curiously. "I'm pretty sure it's a, uh Hydra ship", Bucky says uncertainly.
"Hydra!? Why are we following a HYDRA ship? What are we going to do when we get there? What if they see us?" Bucky scratches his head. "I have some sort of a plan.." he says. "Well go on then!" Jasmine says impatiently. "We... get ourselves caught..?"
Jasmine's jaw drops. "Caught?!". I put my hand on Bucky's shoulder. "You sure about this Buck? Remember what happened last time Hydra caught you?" I say. Bucky's small smile turns into a frown. "..I know.." he whispers, then turns around to look at me, "But this is for Steve.. I'd do anything for him..".
"Bucky!" Jasmine shouts suddenly, and he quickly turns around to face her. "Will you guys stop mooching for just one second?" she says. I put my face in my hands. "We weren't." I say sternly, and turn to face Sebastian who's sitting a few rows behind me. "Anyway! Can you answer my questions please Bucky? I'd like to know why you'd like us to sacrifice ourselves" Jasmine says smugly. "Well, I don't think that we'll die at the hands of Hydra, and I'll make sure if that. They'll only keep us hostage since they think we have valuable information. We have to make them think that we're a lot more stupid, and less powerful then we actually are." Jasmine nods her head, but only slightly. I can tell she doesn't like the plan, but in the words of a wise man 'there was no other way'. Bucky and Jasmine discuss the plan for ages until their chat is interrupted by a loud horn. Everyone turns towards the front and we are faced with a massive ship. "Looks like it's time".

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