Rescue at last

18 0 0

Time skip to midnight
I was about to lay down when I noticed, that Jasmine was nowhere to be seen. I quickly skimmed around the area, but still didn't see her. Suddenly she bursts out of the forest, crying. "Hey Jas, you okay?" I ask, concerned. "I- it's Loki! He's been working with the enemy the whole time!" She says, our of breath. "Oh Jas.. I'm sorry." I say. "Don't be, we're leaving now".
I tilt my head, slightly confused. Then I hear it. Loud whiring engines right above us. I look up. The plane!
"Wake up everyone! We're being rescued!"
Everyone wakes up, one after the other, in an almost comical way. The plane kicks up a flurry of sand as it lands on the beach. Once everyone is awake, and out of their beds, we all begin to gather our stuff, and some extra supplies from the broken plane. We're almost finished packing, when the plane door opens and Jeremy steps out. "I heard you guys needed saving?" He says with a grin. We all begin to slowly board the plane but Jasmine ushers is to move faster. "We have to leave before they find us" she says.
"Who finds us?" Jeremy says, concerned.
"Let's just go okay"
Jeremy seems to sense the urgency in Jasmines voice, so closes the door behind us. Everyone's chatting, and checking out the cool gadgets in the plane. We'll be home soon. Hopefully!

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