Courtesy Call.

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Caius walked through the town, people hardly taking notice of the man in the black cloak, hood pulled over his head and more importantly eyes. 

Caius walked until he was at a farm on the outskirts of town, one simple whiff of the air made him gag with the stench of werewolf. He walked up to the house and turned the knob, smiling when the door was unlocked and he walked inside. 

On the floor were two children, both brown haired however the boy was brown-eyed while the little girl was blue-eyed and her hair had a blonde tint to it. Upon seeing Caius the children stopped playing and stared at him, the vampire walking over and kneeling in front of them. 

"Hello, there little ones, where are your parents?" He asked, remembering what Jane had told him about children, how they were more adept at telling malicious intent and werewolf children would no doubt be even better. 

The girl looked at the boy who shrugged, poking his small rocking horse which Caius watched rock back and forth for a while before he looked at the girl, 

"You. Where are your parents?" 

The girl opened her mouth to respond before a deeper voice came from the hallway, 

"Get away from the children Caius". 

Caius stood and turned around, smiling venomously when he saw the werewolf who'd attacked him, he had a bandage wrapped around his arm and his brown eyes were full of murderous intent. Caius' smile grew, 

"Oh but I thought it appropriate I start my hunt with you and your family" 

"Renee, take the kids," The werewolf said to his wife and the woman rushed forward to take her children, Caius whirling around to prevent them from leaving before a set of jaws were dug deep into his shoulder making him yell out and grab the silver knife from his belt, slashing the beast with it and making it howl in pain, backing away from Caius to tend to his bleeding wound and Caius gripped the knife tighter and moved towards the creature. 


Renee hid her children in the bushes, putting her finger to her lips and then putting the alphas mark around her son's neck, tears filling her eyes as she kissed each of her children's foreheads, 

"Stay away from the Volturi, I'm begging you both please...Mommy loves you two" 

With tears in her eyes, Renee ran from the trees and her children could see her, shouting for the blond man to follow her before turning and running off, a blur following after her. 

Richard Walsh grabbed at the alphas mark around his neck, looking at his sister Esme who looked up at her older brother with tearful eyes. 

"Now what?" 

"..." Richard thought before his grip on the necklace tightened, the thirteen-year-old boy gritting his teeth and he growled out, "Now? Now we kill the Volturi".

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