Meanwhile with Davina at SHIELD HQ.....

Davina's pov

I arrive at SHIELD HQ and Director Nick Fury and Agent Hill lead me to a room where I can rest. "Are you feeling alright now?" Fury asks as he hands me a glass of water "yeah I guess. I'm just in a bit of shock" I respond as I take a sip of water "did you really not suspect you know?" Agent Hill "did I suspect I'm with child? No I didn't for a second, honestly my mind has been elsewhere" I reply "well if there's anything you need just ask and we'll see to it you get it" Fury says making me frown "you'd give me anything I ask?" I ask "yes" he replies "why?" I ask "because you helped save the world today and you risked your life to get rid of that missile. You suffered a blow to the head which has miraculously healed. As far as I'm concerned we owe you so if there's anything you need we will be happy to do it" Fury replies "my boyfriend I have no doubt he's worried about me and he will probably be desperate to come down and see me. Is it possible for you to send a helicopter to New Orleans to pick him up?" I ask "of course. I'll have Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff fly out to get him for you first thing tomorrow morning" he replies "thank you. I really need to talk to him about the whole pregnancy thing" I respond placing a hand on my stomach. "Of course I understand" he replies before turning and leaving the room. "Are you sure you're feeling okay? You've been very quiet since you were told you're pregnant" Agent Hill says "yeah I'm fine. I'm just trying to come to terms with everything that's happened today. This morning I was in a helicarrier talking to my father, then I was evacuating my goddaughter and friend out of New York, then I was fighting my father's alien army kicking some serious butt, I got thrown into a wall by a bomb, I flew into the worm hole right into space and blew up the Chitauri spaceships and then I was sent to get checked up and found out I'm three months pregnant and I had no idea about it" I respond "I'm sure it'll be okay" she replies "yeah me too. I just hope my boyfriend takes the news well. We haven't exactly talked about children since he thinks he can't have children but my grandmother has said otherwise and now we have proof that he can have children" I respond she gives me a soft smile. "We're sending Doctor Banner up here to give you a check up. We notice you weren't exactly comfortable around our paramedic so we figured you'd feel more comfortable if Banner gave you a check up" she explains "that's fine but has Doctor Banner ever done a scan on a pregnant woman?" I ask "I don't think he has so he will have fun with this" she replies with a little smirk making me giggle as she leaves the room. I sigh and look down at my stomach "you sure have surprised me today. Of all days I had to find out I'm pregnant it had to be today after I've kicked serious alien butt and saved New York" I say softly rubbing my stomach as a soft smile appears on my face at the thought of my baby growing inside me. At least now I know why I've been restless, enduring a lot of back ache and losing control of my ice powers these last two and a half hours. I'll have to really take it easy now that I'm pregnant, don't get me wrong I can still kick ass pretty good but I don't want to risk harming my baby. The minute I was told I'm pregnant I started panicking, thinking my baby could've been harmed by everything that happened today.

No one's pov

Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye, Black widow and Bruce Banner arrive at SHIELD HQ following the load of SHIELD agents that were leading Loki inside. All of them glared at the back of his head as he was escorted away. Director Fury appeared behind them and cleared his throat "it's good to see you all, now follow me" he says turning round and walking before they could even begin to respond. Thor jogs up behind Fury "Director Fury how is my niece? Is she alright?" he asks "yes she's very much okay. She's quite the warrior" Fury replied as he led them all into a room. They all sat down "where is she?" Natasha asks "she's in the medic room. Dr Banner you are required to head to the medic room, Agent Hill will tell you what's going on" Fury replies Bruce nodded and quickly left the room."What is going on and don't tell me there's nothing going on because I've known you a while now Fury and I know your there's something you need to know face" Tony said "he's right you do have that face. So speak up what is it?" Natasha asks Fury sighed "when our medical team were tending to Davina and making sure she was alright. They discovered something" he said "what is it? What's wrong with my niece?" Thor asks concerned "she's pregnant" Fury said stunning them all. "Are you sure?" Thor asks "oh I'm sure, she took every single pregnancy test our medical team gave her and they all came back positive, we also had one of them give her a check up just to be sure. I sent Banner up there to do a scan on her as she doesn't exactly feel comfortable with our medical team and it appears her unborn child doesn't either" Fury replies "what makes you think the baby isn't comfortable with the medical team?" Tony asks "because every time one approached her with a needle or if they were too rough with her, they were thrown back by magic and it wasn't Davina who did it" Fury explains "the baby has powers?" Natasha asks "it seems so yes and it explains why she lost control of her powers earlier today" Fury replies "whose the father?" Tony asks "her boyfriend" Fury replies "so that's what my mother warned me about" Thor said making them all frown. "What do you mean she warned you?" Steve asks "she told me to keep a good eye on Davina and make sure no harm came her way. She said it was important that I keep Davina safe as she was in a really vulnerable state. I didn't know what she meant at the time but now I do, she was warning me about Davina being pregnant and that I need to keep her safe" Thor explains "right so Banner's up there doing an ultrasound?" Clint asks "yes" Fury replies "I'm sorry but has Banner even done an ultrasound before?" Tony asks "no but he's a Doctor and he will know how to approach this sort of thing" Fury replies "let's just hope he doesn't get stressed and hulk out near her" Tony retorts jokingly "that's not funny" Thor says with a glare making Tony shrug.

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