"We can ask her later."I said and stood up.

"Where you are going now?"Akhil asked with his eye brows high.

"To search for her prince charming."Deepu said smirking,which I didn't consider.

"Did he say anything yesterday that he is not coming today?"I asked looking the boys.We,gang met last night at their house.Everyone gathered for fun,while I struck with books and Yash,on terrace.He is so strict when it comes to studies.He didn't let me go to enjoy and of course,I am not complaining about this.

"No.."Both the boys replied.

"Okay."I said and went to block searching for him.I just wanted to see him.He won't take leave for classes unless there is an important cause.He would tell me if he was not coming to college.But he didn't,so where is he??????

I took my phone and called him,but the call went to voice message.I closed my eyes in frustration and hung up the call.As soon as I started walking,I bumped some random guy and the drink in his hand spilled on my dress.What the ..!!!

"Sorry miss."He apologized.

"It is me to say sorry."I said and made my way to wash room.Thankfully,I didn't wear any fancy dresses.The drink spilled on my Black shirt,which has tiny,white triangles all over it and only small portion got stained.But my hand is completely dipped in that liquid.I cleaned my hand and shirt and came out to get surprised.

Today,it not Yash's turn to give me shock,it is Nisha and Goutham.Both of them hugging,at the corner of the hallway, as if they never want to get parted.They didn't saw me yet.So,this is what Nisha's important work.I smirked and thought how they both are managing to do romance in this college.Really appreciable.!!

Nisha broke the hug and walked away from him,after pecking his cheek.But Goutham pulled her back and kissed on her lips.OH MY GOODNESS!!!!What the heck I got witnessed now?I think they got forgot where they are.

I turned away closing my eyes.I tried to catch my breath which got lost few seconds back.My phone rang diverting my focus from the love birds.The letter Y flashing in the screen.

"Hii"My voice shivered.

"Anything wrong Krithi?"He asked as if he sensed something.Hey!Did Yash know about them?I think he doesn't,because if he knows,he will surely tell me.He never hides anything.

"No.....Everything cool."I said,"Anyways,Are you in college?"

"Nope!I came to Delhi.."

"What!!!???"I exclaimed,"When?You didn't told me yesterday?"

"Since I don't know about this yesterday,My grandma is ill and we flew here past midnight."

"Oh!How is she now?"

"Yeah,Good.Just old age problems."

"Okay.When you are returning then?"

"I don't know exactly,She don't want me to leave so early.My grandpa too asked me to be here for few days."

"Seems they like you so much."I turned towards my classroom.

"Yeah...Out of all their grandchildren,I am special."He said proudly.Of course,he is special,not only for me,but for everyone.

"They love me a lot."He continued and I felt a sting of jealous that I don't even know about my grandparents.Its okay,I had some people who loves me too.

"Okay,I'll catch you later Yash,text me if possible."

"Yup.Bye."He hung up the call and I made my way to continue my miserable day.

Loving him is my mistake(#wattys 2019)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum