Plot Twist

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Everyone was walking back home, upset over the defeat they just suffered.

Ethyn:(Sarah and Lulu are gone....)

Yuya:(just remember to smile)

Ethyn:(Yuya? I thought you were..)

Yuya:(dead? I was absorbed when Odd Eyes went to you, we now share a body)

Ethyn:(where's Sarah's dragon then?)

Yuya:(I just hope it didn't go to Yuri, he's bad enough with one of them. He definitely  doesn't need two)

Yuto taps Ethyn's shoulder and he looks.

Yuto: What's our plan?

Ethyn: We're going to Yuya's house to rest, it's been a long day friend

 Yugo: (I'll make you proud Sarah, your dragon will help make the world a better place)

Sarah smiles as Yugo is unaware of her presence.

The team arrives at Yuya's home and Celina knocks on the door. Yoko opens the door and smiles.

Yoko: Come in!

Everybody steps into the living room.

Yoko: How's everything?

Ethyn: We need a place to rest

 Yoko: You're welcome to stay as long as you like!

Yuto: Thank you Ma'am

 Ethyn and Yuto Sleep on the couches in the living room while Celina and Yugo have their own rooms upstairs.

Yoko: Cya in the morning boys

Yoko goes to her room for the night and everyone sleeps until morning.

Ethyn wakes up and looks around.

Yoko: Morning, their outside dueling

Ethyn: Thanks

Ethyn steps outside and see Yuto dueling Celina.

Celina: Luna Light Panther Dancer! Destroy his dragon!

Yuto: I activate the trap Fog Blade! Your attack is put to a stop and your monster can't attack as long as this card is on the field!

Celina sets two cards as Ethyn notices Yuto is wearing his mask and shades.

Yuto: I draw, I activate Phantom Knights of rank up launch! I overlay Dark Rebellion to call upon a brighter future! I xyz Summon! Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon! I use it's ability! If I used Dark Rebellion to summon it I can detach an overlay unit to drop your monster's atk to zero!

Celina: What!

Yuto: Then My dragon gains those attack points!

Dark Requiem 3000>>>5800atk

Panther Dancer 2800>>>0atk

Celina steps back as Ethyn and Yugo join the duel.

Yuto: Go Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon! End this duel now!

Ethyn and Yugo 4000>>>2000LP

Ethyn grabs an action card.

Ethyn: I activate the action spell Miracle!

Celina slams to the ground.

Celina 4000>>>1100LP

Yuto: You won't be so lucky next time, your move

Ethyn: I activate Leveled Link! I can summon a link monster if you control an extra deck monster!

Firewall soars up from the ground and you see it and start running towards the dragon.

Ethyn: I activate my dragon's effect! I banish your Dragon and Celina's Panther Dancer! You take 500 points of damage for each card! 

Yuto 4000>>>3000LP

Ethyn: I attack you directly!

Yugo: When you attack us directly I can special summon Speedroid Gearbox from my hand! Then it switches your dragon into defense mode!

Ethyn smirks as you grow closer.

Ethyn: I end with a facedown!

Yugo draws.

Yugo: I summon Red Eyed Dice! I tune my Gearbox with Red Eyed Dice to synchro summon!

You jump in but nobody has noticed yet as you take an intrusion penalty from your dueldisk.

(Y/N) 4000>>>2000LP

Yugo: Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! Now take out his Firewall! Whirlwind of Destruction!

You grab an action card and activate it as you drop down. Everyone watches in shock as Clear Wing's attack doesn't land.

Ethyn: What?

Yuto: Who are you?

You: I'm (Y/N), i couldn't help but to join this duel!

Ethyn: Welcome to the winning team!

You smile and turn to face Yugo and Yuto.

You: I draw! I activate Polymerization! I fusion summon! Arcana Knight Joker!

Yuto: You fusion summon?

Celina: What are you planning?

You smile and continue your turn.

You: I activate Defusion! I send Arcana to the grave to summon my three knights back to the field!

Yugo: Why'd you summon your fusion?

You: When King's knight is summoned while I control Queen's Knight, I can summon Jack's Knight!

Jack's Knightx2 1900atk

Queen's Knight 1500atk

King's Knight 1600atk

You smile.

You: I activate Monster Reborn! Return to the front lines! Arcana Knight Joker!

Arcana Knight Joker 3800atk

Ethyn: Five monsters in one turn?

You: I'm ending this now! Arcana attacks your Clear Wing!

Yugo 2000>>>700LP

You: Now queens' knight will finish you!

Yugo slams to the ground while Yuto's eyes widen.

You: Now my two Jack's Knights and my King's Knight will lay waste to your life points!

Yuto slams to the ground as the duel ends.

You: That was fun!

Yuto and Yugo sit up, shocked by their defeat.

Ethyn: Nice moves, you turned that duel around very quickly

You: It's something you have to do when your dueling for more than yourself

Yoko let's everybody know breakfast is done and Yuto invites you to join them.


Let me know in the comments if liked me adding you guys into the story. Cya guys next time!

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