Not Everyone Can Be Saved

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Lucy POV

I was running for my life. I didn't want to turn around and face the evil pursuing me. My heart was hammering and my chest felt tight. I wasn't going to be able to keep this up much longer, but I had to try- I had to survive. 

"Stop running!"

"Fat chance!" I yelled.

I pushed even harder and made some quick turns in the back alleys, in the hope that I would lose them. After what seemed like forever, I skidded to a halt and turned round. Nobody was there. I breathed a sigh of relief and pulled out my phone. I dialled Oliver's number and put the phone to my ear- I really hoped he'd answer.

"Hey, this is Oliver Queen. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you."

"Ollie, it's me. The Mirakuru soldiers are on my tail. I can't outrun them for much longer. Please hurry!"

I shoved my phone in my pocket and squished myself into a tight space behind a bin and held my breath, hoping they wouldn't notice me. I slunk back further into the darkness as they rushed into the alley and began searching.

"Find her!" one of them barked.

Suddenly, my phone began to ring. I quickly pulled it out and saw it was Oliver. I answered it, but before I could say anything, one of the goons found me and dragged me into the alley. I kicked, screamed and fought with all my might, but nothing was working.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

They didn't say anything. They simply stared at me intently. Without warning, one of them lunged forward and wrapped his hand tightly round my throat. His grip was like a vice, squeezing the air out of me slowly.

"For Slade." the goon whispered menacingly.

His grip got even tighter as he pushed me firmly to the floor. I felt my windpipe cracking and my ability to breathe almost ceased. My eyes began to go heavy and the pull to the darkness was growing stronger. The last thought I had before allowing it to take me was Oliver. I knew he'll have tried his best to save me, but sometimes- you can't be saved.

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