I let go of Namjoon's hand and I see the disappointment and embarrassment in his eyes, but his expression changes and I hug his waist.

"We haven't been together that long, but I'm hoping we will"

I smile at him. A genuine smiled bc of what he's doing for me even though I've hurt him he's still helping me or whatever this is that we're doing. He smiles back and starts talking.

"I can feel our relationship lasting for a lifetime" Is the last thing he says before we start walking again down the carpet hand in hand. I try my best to smile and pose and pretend Richard isn't staring at me from the other side.

I hate him. I don't usually say the word hate but I hate him. How can he do this to me? Why did he do this?

As soon as we step out of the red carpet I feel like I can breathe again. I turn to Namjoon our hands still intertwined until mine is harshly snatched away.

"Ow! What the hell!"

"Get away from her"

"Excuse me?"

"She's my girlfriend!"

"Really? Is that the way you treat all your girlfriends?"

"Listen you have no idea what is going on but-.."

Before Richard even finishes his sentence I snatch my wrist from him and walk over to Namjoon grabbing his hand. He looks at me.

"Babe what are you-.."

"I'm sorry I think you're confusing me with someone else.. your girlfriend is over there" I point to a very annoyed Vanessa.

"Cristal listen I can explain"

"Whatever you want to say, save it... your actions speak louder than words... hope you have a nice night Richard."

I pull Namjoon with me and walk away. I deserve an explanation of course I do but right now I just feel like crying and I don't want him to see me crying I don't want to see him at all.

"Cristal I'm so sorry I know I should've asked you first, but-.."

I hugged him. I hugged him and started crying. He started rubbing my back until I stopped.

"Thank you!"

"What? For what?"

"I know I've hurt you, but you still did this for me and I'm thankful for that"

He smiles at me and I might just start crying again.

"You know how I feel about you Cristal.." I  nod. "And I know it may seem like I took advantage of the situation and for that I'm sorry but I just couldn't let you be humiliated like that..I just..." I look at him signaling him to continue. "I guess I'll do anything for you.."

My heart sinks. Because all this time I've been inlove with the wrong guy.

"I'm not mad if that's what you think. I was just really confused and didn't know how to react.."

"I know, but now the whole world thinks we're dating.."


He's right.

"I can talk to the media and try to convince them to change the story or-.."


He stops in his tracks.

"It's fine... we can't change what we said it was live and the whole world already seen it.."

"So... what do we do now?"

"I have to talk to him... not right now I don't wanna ruin this big night for you guys but I have to talk to him and find out what's going on."

He nods.

"For now let's just enjoy the rest of the night as a "couple" if you don't mind"

"NO! I mean... no I don't mind"

I smile at him and he smiles back but our moment is interrupted by a bunch of screams and we head over to the ruckus.

When we get there we see a very pissed off Hoseok, a very shocked and crying Ashley and a very bleeding hoel... I mean joel.


I've never seen hobi this mad before it's a terrifying sight.

"Okay hobi thats enough lets go" Taehyung tries to calm him down but he ignores him and walks up to Ashley.

"Hey are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"No..no I'm fine.."

"Okay c'mon lets go"

He grabs her hand and walks away.

I look over at Joel and he looks mad I see Richard picking him up and everyone starts looking at eachother. I feel Namjoon's hand on mine once agian "We should leave too" I nod.

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