Chapter 20

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Saying shocked would be an understatement, I'm a natural at tennis. Surprisingly. What's not suprising is that Addy keeps saying innuendos about me and hitting balls.

What I'm not shocked about is that our gym teacher is a sadistic freak. But aren't all gym teachers?

She's been making us scrimmage eachother the whole time, then she decided to have a winner takes all competition. Girls vs girls and boys verses boys. Terrible.

What I am surprised about is that me and Addy made it to the finals, and the people were versing is Barb and one of her lackeys.

Addy has been this ball of energy, if she wasn't here I probebly would be doin that. But I'm trying to act all calm and composed while she loses hers shit. She's doing enough for the both of us no matter how badly I want to join.

"We have to crush them! Melons show them were not people they want to mess with." I want to agree but we can't have to psychotic bitches running around. So I have to find my inner Yaz. She's somewhere on this blob of body.

"It's just tennis, not life or death. That doesn't mean we don't try to win." She nodded and looked like she was going to burst at the seams.

I looked over at Barb and her lackey, their smug faces. How badly I just wanted to wipe the look off their faces. It didn't even have to be barb, I just hated that look.

I felt the intoxicating feeling of adrenaline flooding through my veins, fuck being calm and classy. I love competition and winning, "duck everything else. Who cares if this is a practice scrimmage. Right now it's life and death. Winner takes all."

Addy squealed and threw her fist in the air. I'm not even tired anymore. with anticipation coursing through my veins. I was ready to kick their asses.

"Okay well do what we usually do. You serve first, because I'm new people doubt my skill. Thinking you're the only one that can play. God blessed me with this power and I won't let him down."

I clenched my first and looked st it dramatically. Yes I'm a weeaboo, sue me. Addy laughed. "I'll take front and we'll go from there."

She nodded and did short and unneeded stretches. The teacher blew her whistle declaring the game was starting.

The classmates on the side were yelling things like, "go Barb!" And "kick their asses!" I'm just going to pretend they're cheeering for me.

Addy got the ball for the coach and took several deep breaths before serving, the ball flew over the net and bounced on the other teams side.

Barb hit it back effortlessly and we just kept at it like that. Tiring it back and forth over and over, the only time someone got a point was when a stupid mistake was made.

"You've got skill, I'll give you that. "Barb stated wiping the sweat off her forehead. "I'm surprised you can keep up, I've been playing tennis since sixth grade." Then she musn't be that good of a newbie like me can keep up.

I'm not itchigo from "Bleach" or Natsu from "Fairy Tail". I don't just magically keep becoming stronger and defying the impossible and doing the imaginable. I'm not leveling u peberytjme i hit the ball back.

It's natural instincts. I guess I can thank my old friends for that. But I am denying my natural instinct to avoid what's coming at me, not hit if. But whatever.

The coach blew the whistle signaling for them to serve. We're tied right now. We're in the third game because the teacher shortened the pints down to 15. Were 18-18 right now. It's fucking annoying.

We also have to factor that all of us are ducking tired as hell, addy looks like she's about to keel over. She went into her stance in the front as I took the back.

The Mitchell BoysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon