Chapter 51

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Okay everyone, the two most liked nicknames for Austin are Vixen and Little Fox. We can either do one more vote or have him switch between the two nicknames. Just comment which one you want and I'll do whatever has the most votes.

Chris POV

I stood in the kitchen glaring at the exit that Austin walked out of. Little fox? Really, what's with all of them calling me weird nicknames. I mean it's better than Pippi Longstocking or carrot top but still.

I huffed out a breath and went to the fridge to look at the Chick Fil A they bought me. They already bought it so it would be rude not to eat it. I'll just slide money under the buyer's door, I hate being in debt.

I grabbed the nuggets and sauce packet out of the fridge. I'm weird and lazy so I don't microwave my food. Like cold spaghetti and fried chicken low key slaps. And the microwave makes them soggy so it's perfect.

I walked into their living room and hopped into the couch. Cameron was sitting on the L side by the further wall. He paused eating as he watched me sit down. He smirked and winked at me, "Good evening red." he teased me light-heartedly.

I tilted my head up and grabbed the remote for the T.V. "Sup." I replied dryly as I flipped through Netflix. "You know I was going to watch something right?" He stated while taking a bite of his eggo waffle.

I glanced at him and quirked an eyebrow up. "And?" I told him cheekily, "You're rich, I'm sure you have another T.V somewhere." He rolled his eyes but let me scroll through in silence.

Then a show I've never seen before was on trending. "What's Julie and the Phantoms?" I asked aloud. Cameron moved from his corner of the couch into my corner and sat next to me. I looked at him in question but he ignored me.

"I don't know, looks kinda stupid." He stated above my shoulder. Just him stating that made me want to watch it to annoy him. Maybe chase him out of the living room.

I let it stay on the show so the trailer or clips showed, then I saw Jermy who voices Finn. "Wait, we're watching this," I told him while pressing the show. He looked alarmed and sighed before leaning back onto the couch groaning. I snorted and elbowed his side, "come on it can't be that bad?"

He peeked at me through his fingers before looking down at my nuggets. Before I could react he stole one of my nuggets. I gasped in horror and tried to take my nugget back. "Thief! I'll sue!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled but took my chick fil a sauce out of the chicken container. "It needs sauce." He dipped it and popped it into his mouth before cringing. "Why is it cold?" he looked down at me like I committed a hate crime. I cackled at his expression, "Karma. Now let's watch the show."

He rolled his eyes and rested his arm on the cushion behind my head. I ignored the gesture not thinking too hard about it. The show started with three guys playing on stage, and if I swear I was drooling.

"Holy crap these guys are hot," I said aloud without really thinking or caring. "Dead ass, the drummer." Cameron agreed. I was about to add to his comment stating the lead singer too before I realized what he said.

"Wait," I turned my body to face him, "Are you?" I did the hand motion of flipping my wrist down with wide eyes. He laughed out loud at me, "No, I just appreciate good looks." He said with a laugh.

"Well that's cool but you're wrong. Look at the lead singer's hands, just that beats the drummer." I argued. He laughed aloud again, "I can't believe I'm having this conversation with you. I really need to learn how to keep my mouth shut." He rubbed his face but his tone was light.

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