Chapter 37

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I smiled and laughed awkwardly, running my hand through my hair to realize it was in a ponytail. "So, how did everything go?" Alyssa asked me. She didn't seem to be to mad, but she is pretty good at hiding her emotions. Being a lawyer and all.

I bit my lip and swayed back and forth on my heels. "We'll if you're wondering how dance tryouts went, I made the team." I told her excitedly. She smiled and gave me a tiny round of applause. I forced a smile, trying to hide how uncomfortable I was. Richard smiled and clapped too, "I didn't know you were trying out for the dance team."

I looked away towards the staircase, "Um, yeah. I tried out and made it." I put my fists in the air shaking them. The lights in the living room came on freaking me out because no one stood up. Alyssa saw that and pointed to the tablet on her lap.

"We'll if i knew that we could have celebrated tonight." He seemed to be thinking when he said that. I laughed again, "It's fine, we really don't need to do that..." I paused looking around at the guys faces. What surprised me was that no one was even looking at me except Brian who was glaring.

"Um, I'm going to head to my room. Have a good night." I turned to walk away but Alyssa stopped me. "Hold on a second child. Don't think I'm letting you off this easily." I sighed and let my shoulders drop. I thought I told her I was going to go to the cafe.

Maybe not work there, or stay there till 7 pm. But it could have been worse, I could have been out till 10. Richard seemed to have caught on, "Boys you can go, the movie was almost over anyways." The guys finally looked at me, questions in their gazes.

Brian and Austin looked back towards Richard then to me. I made sure to not look at them, just letting their footsteps tell me they were leaving.Once they were gone Alyssa spoke. "You know you have to tell me when you're out past eight." She scolded.

Me, not knowing how to just shut up replied, "It's actually nine pm." She gave me a look telling me that I'm a few steps away from a whooping. "I need to test you." She sighed. Richard put his hand out, stopping her from getting up.

"What were you doing out this late?" He questioned. I gnawed on my cheek and answered, "We'll I had tryouts first, then I went to a cafe. WhereIMayOrMAyNotHaveGottenAJob." I breathed out quickly. Not really knowing why I felt so strongly on hiding it.

They both seemed to have understood what I said because Alyssa had a small smile and look of pride. But Richard looked distraught, "Why would you need a job? If you needed money you could have just asked." He told me disapprovingly. That kind of hit me wrong but i ignored it.

"Because, I don't want to rely on you guys and spend your money. I want to make my own money, and I owe you enough anyways. What's the matter?" I asked confused. He rubbed his face and sighed, "You don't owe us anything number one. Number two if you wanted a job you could have asked. I have plenty of open spots at my company." He told me exasperatedly.

Alyssa seemed to jump to my defense, "We'll she has been working from a very young age and needs the experience to grow." I cheered for her in my head. "But, she should have informed us first." Betrayer. He shook his head. "That's the point, she doesn't need to do that anymore! That's why they moved her with us. So she could relax and actually act like a stable teenager." He snapped.

Alyssa glared at him and they continued going back and forth, seeming to forget I was there. But the last comment on me being a stable teenager and relaxing rubbed me wrong and hit a mark.

I might not have been stable in the slightest, but I was acting like a teenager. That liked hard drugs, alcohol, parties, fights, and sex. But we can ignore that, I was acting like a teen. Stable or not.

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