Chapter 36

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We waved goodbye to Kim, Teresita, and Wes then headed out. I made sure to do research on the place and there is a bus stop right by the cafe. That stop lead to another that lead right by the Mitchells neighborhood. So, I would just walk home then. I'm not sure if Addy was going to stay or drop me off, so I brought bus money.

"Girl we made it! Holy shit!" She screamed in her car. I smiled and laughed with her, "I'm so ready to get shit faced." My smile dimmed at her statement remembering I can't. "How bout you?" I put my smile back on and laughed, "Hell yes i am!"

She blasted music on her radio and we sang along to them. When i say sang i mean shouted till our vocal cords strained. "Oh my gosh, I totally forgot you don't know!" She yelled at a stop light and looked at me. I grabbed her chin and made her face the road again because the lights changed.

"Oh, sorry." I couldn't hear what she said so I turned down the volume. "Okay, what did you forget to tell me?" I asked her. "So you know how in the movies the cheerleaders are like the most popular and worshiped right?" It seemed like a rhetorical question so I didn't answer.

"Well that's kinda like the dance team here, because some of the most popular and richest girls are on the team we're on a high pedestal at school. So, when the team is decided there's usually this big ass party at this 16 and up bar downtown. We'll rent the whole place out, get bands, drinks, the whole shabang. It's fucking awesome." She told me excitedly, almost bouncing in her seat thinking about it.

"Fun!" I answered trying to match a fraction of her enthusiasm. The word party forming a lump in my throat, bringing back memories i try to rid myself of. Parties are going to try to drag out the me that I'm trying so badly to hide in this shell of a body.

"Yo, did you hear anything I just said?" I snapped back into reality and laughed. "Yeah, totally, continue I'm just thinking." She nodded and went on in the middle of a story about the party. I could honestly say i have no idea what was going on.

I zoned out again and waited till she was done. "It was insane! Turn here right?" I hummed in confirmation. "So, any stories about the Mitchell boys at these parties?" I tried to ask nonchalantly and disinterested.

Why was I asking about those assholes anyways? It's not like I care at all, I'm just looking for dirt on them. Addy gave me a look but I just crossed my arms and leaned back in the seat. "Why are you interested? Did you already fall into their clutches?"

I made a noise of disgust at and gawked at her. "Never, they all are assholes and deserve a good ass whooping." I leaned back into the seat and spoke quieter. "I'm just curious because they seem to be the most popular at school. Just wondering if there's a reason? Like what's so special about them?"

"Well you seem to know them pretty well already." She gave me a sly look and my face dropped. "What do you mean?" I asked skeptically as she changed into the right lane. "We'll you just said and I quote, "they're all assholes and deserve a good ass whooping." She wiggled her eyebrows at me as I blew out a breath of air.

"I don't know them," which was the truth i guess, "But anyone can tell that they're spoiled rich assholes at first glance. And i have some classes with them." Like all my classes but we can ignore that. "They are pretentious assholes. I want to know why they're so fucking popular?"

Addy nodded her head, "I guess I would know what you mean if I just transferred into our school last minute and have no idea about all the 'rich' politics."

I started to nibble on my bottom lip listening, waiting for any explanation at all. "I guess it all started middle school but i didn't know them then so i'm not going to do he said she said." I nodded, respecting her decision.

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