Chapter 19

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Life hacks. I just copy pasted a word from an old story. Now I can bold. *evil laugh* thanks for reading and please comment and vote.

I finally persuaded Quinn to sit down, she was mortified by my display but at the same time respected me for it. That was cool and all but she was drawing more attention our way by just standing there.

When they sat down Josh high fived me, "girl you ain't here to play!" He started to clap his hands. "We stan!" I chuckled at his acts.

Loren smiles at me. "You know there's going to be hell to pay. Barb is the queen bitch. She's a snake and leaves Barbie quaking." She gave me a challlenging look. "Why didn't you go with her. She was pretty much offering you the "world." She used finger quotes for world.

"One she blatantly bashed innocent people that didn't do anything wrong. Two she's homophobic and three she only wanted me to boast her already large ego and get information. But now that the problem is gone let's drop the subject."

Quinn was 100 percent okay with that. She jumped onto anything to stay away from what happened. "So what was it like at your old school? Or old town?" She asked. Which automatically gained Joshua's and Loren's attention.

I picked up my wrap and thought about it. I don't want to give to much information away but I don't want to seem suspicious. "It was fun. Crazy too. The area I lived in didn't have a lot of money being poorer into it so the people had to make do. It was dangerous like any other town. Had it's ups and downs, but we all got along and it was"

They looked curious. "You want more information don't you?" Josh rolled his eyes. "Umm, of course." I nodded. "Fire away. What are your questions?

Loren was the first to ask, but only by a little bit. Josh just didn't talk fast enough. "What do you mean by fun? Cause fun can vary with other people." Josh laughed. "Ohh story time! I want to know every thing."

"Okay, let me tell you about the town and school first. Like I said before low income. The school was run down, graffiti, broken gates and windows, and chipped paint. Most of our stuff was hand me down or used for year and years. The town was the same. But it all depended on what prat of the area you lived." I took a bite of my wrap thinking about home.

"The people got along fairly well, didn't mean there wasn't violence or fights. We had a rival highschool that had more of the wealthier kids and better facilities then ours. But they don't hold a candle to this place." I pulled my water out my bag and took a drink before taking another bite of my wrap.

"We're the boys hot there?" Josh asked. He wiggles his eyebrows making me laugh. "Yeah the guys there were... good looking. Only a hand full would go in the hot category for me, but I'm just s picky bitch."

"Did you really ride her in the kings limbo?" Quinn asked looking at me suspiciously. "Yeah I did unfortunately. My aunt who isn't really my aunt is friends with them. Wanted them to give me a ride. Doesn't mean I want to associate with them what so ever."

"Why? They're so hot. I wouldn't mind having a one night stand with one of them... or all of them." Loren added bitting her lip. "You whore!" Josh gasped and laughed at her. Loren shrugged, "I'm just letting nature be nature. And nature says that those boys are a fine piece of-" "okay we're done here." Quinn interrupted Loren. "You guys are weird." I added after finishing half of my wrap.

Then Loren started to question me. "Any siblings?" "Nope" "boyfriend?" I hesitated for a second. "Nope." Not anymore. She shrugged, "seems legit." Josh gave her a look. "That's it, you're going to question her with two questions and say, yeah she's not a psychopath."

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