Chapter 28

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Shameless self-promo, go to my other story where you're voting for what kind of RH book y'all want next. Follow me two for updates 😜

Also, I'm gonna get real for a moment. You don't have to read this part of you don't want to. You can skip to the actual story.

But I just want to say that I am so thankful and grateful for all the support you guys have given. You might not know it but just you reading and voting encourage me to keep writing and keep being creative. I know this genre isn't for everyone and could be looked down upon.

But it means the world to me. When o first started writing this was a year ago and I felt so discouraged when no one read it. Months passed and no one read it. I finally quit and stopped writing for almost 6 months. Never do that! I'm serious.

Keep going even if it seems hopeless or it worth it. I am so thankful for all the views and I'll make sure to make the story better and better. Hope you enjoy!


I sat in my desk, already dreading everything to come. I looked out the window, should I just jump? If I roll on the impact I should be fine.

I shook the idea out of my head. I'll get in trouble if I do, plus they might not believe me when I say, "I don't and to do, I just wanted to leave class!"

Giving up hope I laid my head on my desk. Closing my eyes, I wanted blissful sleep to take me away. "Sup girl!" Joshua said with his usual chipper attitude.

I made a sound, a mix between a groan and a moan. "Good to know, my day has been great by the way." Loren interrupted him, "you look like shit, what happened." Blunt as always.

Josh elbowed her and staged whispered, "You're not suppose to tell someone that!" Loren rolled her eyes and sat down. "Pretty sure she already knew she looked like that, but it's better to know right."

I waved my hand at them, brushing her statement off. "Don't worry, I've been made clear that I look like hot garbage." I laid my head back and stared at the ceiling.

Josh and Loren sat down in their sets and started talking. I added comments here and there but that was all.

I heard Austin's voice drifting ahead. I slowly opened my eyes and peeled through my arms. He was walking to his seat with his guy friends.

They were laughing and shoving each other. I saw him peek up and look at me. We would have my eye contact if I wasn't covering my face.

He turned his head quickly and continued his conversation. I still looked at him, why is he the only one with blonde hair? Maybe it's not natural.

My mind kept drifting off, going completely left field. The teacher clapped her hands demanding attention. I rested my arms on my desk and my head on my hands.

My attention span was incredibly short so I only got through the first sentence. "So class,"

I came back when Josh shook my shoulders. "Earth to Christian!" My body seized up. "Elo!" I yelled.

Loren slapped a hand over my mouth and bent my face down. It took all my strength not to bite her. "So here you have," she pointed at a paper.

I took the signal and gave her a thumbs up. I acted like I was doing work as Joshua whispered to me. "Are you okay? Because you didn't blink for a solid 20 minutes. That shits scary." He fakes a shiver.

I chuckled, "no I zoned out. I'm just tired." I told him. "Clearly." Loran added sarcastically. I turned to her, "glad to know you're here to add a ray of sunshine." I said equally as sarcastically.

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