chapter 43

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I was reading my body paragraphs describing the book while looking up at him at times. He kept staring at me and never looking away. I was getting somewhat annoyed but ignored it, taking it as a challenge actually.

So I tilted my head to the right and started to state the rest of my paragraph without looking at the computer. I memorized some of it and bullshit what I didn't. I'm not going to let him think that he's the alpha, I refuse to let him think he's superior even if he is.

"Do you want me to keep going? I can if you need more time to finish your assignment." I leaned forward and whispered, "Can't ruin your reputation because you can't finish a paper. Don't worry I got you, I can read slower." I leaned back sticking my tongue out from the corner of my mouth and winked at him.

He rolled his eyes at me, "I actually did finish my assignment thank you very much. Didn't expect a street rat to have even gotten past the beginning." He snapped back. I smiled and glared at his comment.

"Hohoho, so the rich white boy wants to play huh?" crossing my arms I leaned forward on the desk pulling the screen down so I could look at him better. "What happened to playing nice?" I said with a pout.

"You're acting like I'm the one that started this." He exasperated resting his chin in his hand. "Technically you started this, I'm just resurpicating." I explained with a signature smirk on my lips.

He glared at me while looking at my lips, "I'm talking about right now and I'm trying hard not to be an ass so can you just finish the damn paragraph?" he grunted. He proceeded to sigh and lay his head on his arms resting on the desk.

I squinted at him confused, it's weird when he's trying to be nice. I don't like it. It seems way too artificial and forced. I wanted to poke his buttons, i wonder how long i can do it until he finally cracks? I'd prefer a Brian calling me slut and gold digger then forced kindness. Honestly is better than a bunch of stupid lies and an act.

"So that was Mr. Big Brain acting nice? I fear what your cordial looks like frat boy." He popped his head from where I could see it over the computer. "Morning sleeping beauty, did our assignment bore you? I apologize I couldn't support your needs, your royal highness." I drawled out sarcastically.

I heard him growl and mutter something under his breath that faintly sounded like, "This fucking bitch, i swear to god." I smirked in amusement. The asshole deserves to get his feathers ruffled.

"Well you got the jist of my essay. What does yours say?" I pried, but he just kept glaring at me. "What? Are you illiterate now? I'm not getting any younger. By the time you read the damn essay I'm going to have wrinkles." I sassed.

I pulled at and scrunched my face trying to show my wrinkles. "See! They're already appearing!" I exclaimed over dramatically. He closed his eyes and took a deep long breath. I kept pulling and making faces until he looked at me.

He stared at me trying to look unimpressed while I kept acting foolish. We just stared at each other for a bit until he cracked. The corner of his lip tilted upwards, but other than that he kept a straight face.

Rolling his eyes, his lips tilted back down, "Stop making those faces, they're hideous." He told me lazily, fawning uninterestedly.

"These faces." I started in a monotone voice and gave myself a double chin. He shook his head and rubbed a hand through his hair. "No, your normal face." I snapped back sarcastically.

I gasped and faked shock, "I thought you were going to be nice to me?" I placed a hand over my heart and pretended to be offended. He rubbed his hands up and down his face and sighed, "For the first chapter my question was..."

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