Chapter 32

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The vice principal sighed, he is just as greasy as I remember. Added onto that would be creepy, gross, scummy, and over all annoying.

"What do you think this place is? It's not like your old school and not a place where you can act like trash." He snapped. I kept my face as blank as possible.

But I was taken aback. I guess this dude only had a pair when the parents weren't around. He continued his useless lecture, "You're lucky you have connections with the Mitchell's. If it wasn't for that you would have suspension." He threatened. As if I haven't been threatened with expulsion or suspension before.

"I'm sorry but I'm confused. Why is it that I am in "trouble" for cursing when everyone else here does. You just fucking did. Seems kind of suspicious? Why can you say ass and threaten me when I can't call fuckers like you out for being what they are. A fucker. " I point out. Which might not have been that smart, but whatever.

I clearly ruffled his feathers because now his pudgy face was red. "Lunch detention for a week. It would have only been two days if you learned to shut your trap. And you have volunteer services. There's a list by the door, grab one on your way out."

He was aggressively scribbling crap onto a paper and handed it to me. "If you're not at lunch detention we'll be contacting your guardians." The gleam in his eyes infuriated me.

I wanted to grab him by what little hair he had left and slam his face into the desk. The grab the coffee next to him and dump it onto the bald spot. Telling him it was fertilizer, it'll help wake his clearly dead braincells back up.

I didn't of course, but I really fucking wanted to. Like really fucking bad. "Thanks." I stated sarcastically and went to head out. I stopped and was about to turn around, but talked my self out of it.

I can ask someone else for the directions. I don't want any help form that man. It took all my self control not to turn and spit onto him.

I swung open the door and slammed it with all my might. Then dashed off just in case he freaked out about it. I was making my way down the stairs hurting back to class.

He never said I couldn't go back to this class. He just said I had lunch detention.

While I was walking down the stairs it hit me. I had detention. Fuck! The CPS officers are going to give me hell for this. But not before Alyssa kills me then brings me back so they both could give me hell.

I mean I could honestly careless but to complete my plan I need a steady track. I can't drift back into the lane I was in before. Clearly it ended badly. But why are the bad things so good, fun, and just down right tempting.

I'm happy I did it. Yeah now I'm fucked and I'm facing consciousness for it. But in that time of my life I desperately need release and change. It might have not changed me for the better but it gave me what I needed.

Plus a lot of stories to tell, memories made, and friends that I know I can and count on. Maybe I'll regret it one day but right now I don't.

I jumped down the last three steps. Then leisurely walked back to class. The little voice in the very very far back in my head was whining. Hurry, we're missing important stuff. We have to be the best and appease people.

I quickly shut it out feeling annoyed father hearing it. I thought that voice died along the rest of me. But no. It's always there. Not as loud or consistent as it was before but still there.

A constant remember of what i use to be. Just by hearing it I'm irritated. I release a breath and stomped to class.

I opened the door hard enough that it bounced back. The only reason I wasn't hit was because I left my hand out.

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