Chapter 59

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I am so sorry for taking so long to update everyone. I will try harder to not do that anymore. Spamming me to update does in fact work, but please no death threats :). Thank you for your patience everyone! Also, remember this is a slow burn everyone, and this one 'book' is technically going to be all the books in the series so it might be long. It is taking me a while to come up with senarious trying to making it not as slow while developing the characters and relationships. If anyone has any ideas or recommendations just message me via wattpad. 

We were almost at the house when I slowly started to become lightheaded the longer I was over his shoulder. I tapped Ash's shoulder for a bit while waiting before telling him, "I'm getting a little light-headed big guy. If you don't want to be carrying a passed-out girl that could pass as a tomato back into your house I would recommend setting me down."

Quickly he put me back to my feet and I unconsciously grabbed onto his muscular arm to keep myself from collapsing. The blood rushed to my head and my vision became spotted. I cursed internally but didn't say anything out loud.

"Sorry, I'm a little dizzy." I clutched my head with my other hand and Ash put his hand on my shoulder. I tried really, really, hard to not focus on the way my stomach warmed when he touched my shoulder. Trying to focus on clearing my foggy head.

Once I was sure that I wasn't going to fall and make a fool of myself I opened my eyes and patted his arm. Slowly pulling away and trying to brush off the weird giddiness

"Sorry." He muttered while walking past me. "Don't worry about it. I would have been fine if it wasn't for me working out a bit ago." I said while walking a little faster trying to catch up to him. While speed walking I noticed that he started to slow down a bit. It was a gradual slowing, would have been hard to notice if I wasn't overly aware of him at this moment.

"So... dinner tonight with Mr.Mitchell. Is there any information or warnings you want to give me? Is Brian going to put spiders on my plate? Is someone going to tell me it's a costume party only for me to show up as the only one in a costume like in movies?" I thought I heard a snort from Ash, but when I looked he was just giving me an exasperated look. I shrugged my shoulders at him, giving him an expression saying, what are you going to do?'' He gave a small shake of his head and continued walking. I didn't think he was going to answer but he actually did.

"My dad has business dinners, college dinners, old friend dinners, a lot of dinners basically. Most of the time there by himself but on a few occasions he'll bring us to show off his kids or if whoever he's meeting has kids it's a way to 'mingle'. This is a way to make him seem more human and bond over with whoever he is talking with. We usually sit with them for an hour before leaving or getting kicked out into the 'teens club' or some shit like that. We all hate the damn things but go anyway."

I raised my eyebrows and bit my lip, "So what I'm hearing is to pretty much pretend I'm mute so I don't do something extremely embarrassing. If you can't tell, I have brilliant first impressions." I added dramatically with a wave of my hand. Ash just rolled his eyes as we entered the house together.

The twins were on the couch with Austin and they all looked up at us. "So that's where you went," Cameron called out absently. "Yeah, I was out looking for a rabbit hole to fall into," I replied quickly in complete seriousness. Both twins snorted before their eyes traveled down to my breasts at the same time.

I crossed my arms and jutted my hip out in annoyance. Forgetting that crossing my arms made them even more noticeable. "Got a good enough look yet? I promise you they aren't disappearing any time soon. Maybe sagging but sure as hell not disappearing." Both their eyes popped up as Austin reached over and hit them both on the head. They both raised their heads with an uncannily similar smirk on both their faces. Neither one looking the least bit apologetic.

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