Chapter 58

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I woke up with the sun shining down on my face and an aching body. Not the kind of ache where you're just sore and need some stretching to fix it. But the kind where it was like your bones were heavy and every part of your body was tired.

I rolled onto my back before glancing at my clock. In bright red the time read 8 am, it wasn't even 9 am yet. Running my hands down my face I released a groan. Going to school has made it almost impossible for me to sleep in late.

Sitting up I tried to stretch my muscles. It didn't do anything of course but it convinced a little part of me that I felt better.

I got out of bed and quickly put my messy hair into a low ponytail before going to the bathroom. I needed to pee, wash my face, and brush my teeth before I started to feel even a little bit alive.

While washing my face little snippets of last night's events with the twins and brothers went through my head. I splashed water on my face again trying to clear the thoughts. Maybe I should try to drown myself in the sink water, has anyone died like that before?

Turning off the water I headed out back to my room. I haven't exercised outside of dance at school for a hot minute. Maybe I should work out today, practice some choreography on the lawn.

I went back to my room and changed into some workout gear. Black leggings, a faded green sports bra, and my black tennis shoes. Before going to the kitchen I grabbed my iPod then left my room. Tiptoeing down the stairs I entered the kitchen in hopes of finding a water bottle where I ran into Alyssa.

"Hi darling, how was your night? Rest well?" She was sitting at the island eating a slice of bread with avocado slathered over. "Yep, how was yours?"

"Boring like usual. Are you planning on working out?" she motioned to my outfit. I made a sound of agreement as I rummaged through the fridge for water.

"Oh, morning Richard." I heard shuffling which was Alyssa getting up behind me before walking over to Richard. "Morning sweetheart," he replied back quietly. I finally found the water so I closed the fridge. "Good Morning Christian." Richard greeted politely.

"Morning Mr. Mitchell," I replied quickly before hurriedly exiting the kitchen. "Wait, Christian." He called out, "Chris please." I inputted before letting him continue. "Chris." He corrected before continuing, "Tonight we are all going out to dinner and I hope and would appreciate it if you could make it."

I narrowed my eyes in speculation before releasing a breath and turning to look at him. "I'll try my best." Richard smiled at me, resembling his sons so much in that moment. Wait, no, the other way around. His sons resemble him right? Whatever, they looked like each other.

I gave him a nod before speed walking off. Feeling guilty that I was living in his house when he doesn't even know me for free. I basically ran to the backdoor where I was greeted with the sight of grass going on for miles once again.

I started to walk on the right of the house instead of the left. During my run before I noticed that there was a pool by the left so I didn't want to be near it when I practiced dancing. Nor do I want to work out right in front of the house where anyone could peek out a window and see me. Of course, they always could because I was still on the premises of the house. But that doesn't mean I'm going to go to the most obvious and easiest area.

Looking around a bit I finally found the spot I wanted to practice at. It was a little ways past the house and near to all the hallways and rooms that aren't meant for sleeping in. I didn't know exactly what rooms they were. All I know is that it's unlikely any of the guys will see me from here.

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