Chapter 56

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Cameron was passed out in the passenger seat next to me. The smell of alcohol was pungent from the little canister he had in the cup holders. I wasn't sure if Cameron passed out from drinking or just tiredness. I'm guessing both.

My heart was still racing, unable to calm down from the actions that I took tonight. While driving in silence my mind continued to run through all the events that occurred tonight. Almost in slow motion, from riding in the car with the guys to the party. Dancing with Addy and drinking with Ash to talking with Austin and watching Jordan perform.

It was like a slideshow in my head, broken images, and new details now that I was somewhat calmer. Who am I kidding, I wasn't the least bit calm. For some odd reason, I keep pondering over and over what the Mitchells are going to think and say. This is extremely odd for me because I usually do whatever the fuck I want when I want.

It's not my first rodeo when it comes to makeout sessions, especially with guys close to each other. When my ex would cheat or go on breaks to cheat I would hook up with his friends. Or when we were in an open relationship I would hook up with him and some of his friends at the same time. Even in a relationship, the whole thing is kind of blurry from being high or drunk most of the time.

I slowed down at a red light and took deep breaths. Not like they would care, I'm my own woman and can do what I want. But for some reason I was anxious and I couldn't put my finger on why. At most I can assume that it's because they'll start acting like complete assholes again instead of one ass cheek.

I turned to look at Cameron's sleeping face. His eyebrows were scrunched and his nose would sometimes twitch. His dark eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks and his dark hair falling onto his forehead. I could see the hole in his nose from his nose piercing and one on his lips.

Now looking at his lips I remember the feel of them on mine. The soft plush feel switches from soft light touches to deep and forceful kisses. At the memory, I wanted to hit my head against the wheel. The thought flustered me more than I would like to admit.

The light turned green and I started driving again, peeking at Cameron's phone in the cup holder. Before he fell asleep he pulled it out of his pocket complaining about his asscheek going numb from the vibrations.

Some part of me wanted to grab it and tell the guys texting to shut the fuck up. That I didn't kill their brother and hid his body in a trench somewhere. I thought Cameron was joking when he said that but nope, just Brian being Brian.

We started getting closer and closer to the neighborhood. I put the code into the gate driving into their fancy-ass block. There was enough light for me to see while driving on the large road to their house because some of the residents' drive-throughs were parking lots.

Finally getting to their house I searched the car for the garage opener. Not knowing where the fuck it could possibly be. I finally found it in the holder above the rearview mirror.

I clicked it quickly and drove into the space that was open. Not knowing if there were specific spots each car went, and not really caring. Releasing a deep breath I shook off all my anxieties and bad thoughts. Even if they were there I just ignored them.

I turned to face Cam not sure if I should slap, shake, or scream to wake him up. I really wanted to pour some water but there didn't seem to be any in the car. Even though I wanted to do those things I didn't, I was too nice for my own good.

I gently rested my hand against his shoulder and started to shake him. Not crazy aggressive, just enough that would wake a normal person up. Alternating between light taps and shakes, "Cam, Cam, wake up, we're at your house."

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