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Before Severus could tell Lily about Percy, Narcissa walked in with two children instead of three. "I can't find Draco!" She cried tears in her eyes as she looked at them.

"What? Where could he be?" Lily said worriedly as Harry and Neville were beside her.

"Percy's not in his bed either..." Severus said and that made Lily round on him quicker then a starving dog, eyes wide as fear filled them.

"What?!?" She screamed.

Severus pulled out his wand as his face turned steely. "I'll find him, you take the rest of the kids back home, alright?" He kissed her forehead, before quickly leaving.

Harry then ran out after a minute, his face set just as stony as Severus' was. Lily screaming for him to come back but the port key was already activated and they were gone along with the tent.

He needed to find his little brother, and one of his best friends.

Hours before the attack

Percy was restless, as always, but he just couldn't seem to settle down. He sighed as he sat up in his bed and looked at the time to see it was only 11. He got up and threw his blankets to the side, he shivered a bit as he was only in some shorts. Quickly he put on a tank top and then a fancy robe that was on the bench at the feet of his bed. Then putting on some simple slippers and grabbing his wand he snuck out of his tent.

Coming out he immediately heard the water in the fountain and smiled at the sound as it was calming. He looked to the tent beside him and wondered if he should see if Neville was up. But he decided he didn't want to bother him. Percy then considered Harry, or his Mom. But something seemed to make him go out the tent that housed all of them, and his hearing was assaulted with the cheering of everyone around them who were still celebrating.

Percy smiles at the dancing people, before jumping and refraining from making a sound when a hand was laid on his shoulder, but it was Draco looking smug.

"What are you still doing up?" The silver haired blonde asked as he now stood beside the sleepless boy.

"I should be asking the same." Percy raised a brow.

Draco shrugged. "Couldn't sleep, to much excitement in the air. Besides, my parents are both asleep as well as Luna and Blaise, I didn't want to bother them."

Percy nodded his head. "Same actually." He said softly before looking up at the stars and smiling a bit as a certain constellation seemed to twinkle.

Silver blue eyes watched the silent boy beside him, his own green blue eyes having that sad gleam to them once again. He thought he could keep it away. But this time it was hinted in a slight...happiness and it made him relieved.

Suddenly a thought came to Draco and he smirked devilishly as he suddenly and bravely grabbed Percy's hand and started running straight towards the middle of the celebrating people, Percy laughing as he was dragged away from his thoughts.

His best friend handed him a cup and the two of them drank, though Percy was a bit reluctant do to obvious reasons but he threw those away once he tasted the sweet wine. Besides it was only two cups! It helped him feel bubbly an he giggled as he and Draco danced to the ridiculous folk songs being played around them. They laughed when they tripped, chuckled when one stepped on the other and smiled at each other when they met each other's eyes.

But slowly of course things got quieter and people were falling asleep where they had been drinking and so forth. The music died down like the fires and soon, it was quiet.

Family Ties (Editing/rewriting some parts)Where stories live. Discover now