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A/N hey, sorry for the spam update and sorry for being gone so long, I hope you all enjoy the new chaps I worked on all day to give to you guys. I thought it was bout time I came back haha, now go read.


Percy really didn't miss much in the months and week he was gone. Only the interesting diagonal Alley trip and a new teach for defense against the dark arts. Let's not forget about the flying car either.

Harry's and the rests summers weren't as busy as his was, as they did say they mostly lazed around.

But it was near summer ending that things for Harry got interesting. He said a house elf named Dobby had come into his room while their mom was having a slight dinner party. He got scolded for a dropping a cake on Mrs. Mcgonagal.

Then there was the flying car part...Percy was intrigued.

Percy quickly got into the new class routine with the help of Neville who seemed to grow some over the summer.

Then there was the one class many talked about, many of the girls talking about the teacher, while Hermione talked about how he taught them practically nothing and Luna just didn't care.

The class was Mr. Lockhart's class, a man who had a huge ego like some, or maybe the only one with one so big. So far he seemed like a complete fool. Just this week he let out pixies to run amuck in the class. Poor Neville had been lifted into the air and hung on the chandelier. And thanks to Hermione and Percy's quick thinking they had stopped the pixies from continuing to ruin the classroom with the spell petroculos.

(I believe it was that one anyways, -A)

After that it took a moment for them to figure out how to get Neville down safely.

But they did.


"Percy...what did you exactly do during summer?" Neville asked as he started to finish his lunch.

Percy turned his gaze to his best friend. "I told you already Nev, swimming with some old friends and playing games."

Neville frowned. "You have some new scars is all. I see them when you lift your shirt before hanging into your night wear."

"Just...explored the woods when we went camping." Percy laughed nervously as he scratched his neck in habit.

His best friend stared at him for a moment before getting up as it was times for them to head to the library for the day. "Did you here Harry has detention with Lockhart? Not sure what he did exactly though..." Neville says letting what they talked about go.

For now.

"Yeah...he's been hearing voices in the wall too hasn't he?" Percy inquired nearly tripping over his robes, not used to it, but would have to if he was going to be able to survive.

"Too? Have you heard it as well?" Neville frowned, pulling Percy along towards the library.

Percy nodded. "Not as clear as Harry, but I still am able to hear something, and the sound of water. Or something close to water." The demigod shrugged.

They arrived at the Library before anyone else and sat with some books to read as Neville thought about what Percy said. Percy just tried to figure out the foreign language that he was reading, not knowing the book was upside down until a small hand came out of nowhere and flipped it for him.

"You really do have it badly Percy." Hermione said with a laugh as Luna asked what was wrong with reading a book like that, which they ignored her.

Percy laughed a bit but thanked her and they continued with whatever, waiting for the rest to appear. Hermione doing homework, while Percy and Luna tried to read the books they had upside down, Percy's book in Greek just because he would never be able to read it if it was any other language.

The Slytherins then arrived, Draco sitting opposite of Percy with a raised brow at the upside down books. Blaise did as well and just pushed it off onto them being weird...as usual.

Then in came the loudest of the group with a laughing ex-Potter. Ron was telling him about some funny trick he learned from his twin older brothers George and Fred. Harry decided he'd learn it over the summer.

"Hey, everyone's here." Ron said smiling at us as he sat down at their usual table, looking around not even noticing the upside down books two of the peculiar children in their group were reading.

"Yes, your slow as always..." Draco said with a sigh feeling slightly agitated that the quiet peac was broken by the red head.

"Hey!" Ron indignantly says as he huffs in annoyance.

"Girls, no fighting." Hermione chided with a smile as she flipped the page to continue her studies.

They both sent a glare to the bushy haired Ravenclaw.

Percy just laughed a bit and set his book down. "It's good to be back." He said with a smile.


That night Percy woke with a gasp his heart racing as flashes of fangs and a sword rang through his head. He curled into him self as he closed his eyes, only to see his brother with a scared look on his face.

Quickly opening his eyes he decided to write a quick letter to a friend. Maybe they could help explain his dream? Give some comfort? Cause he knew he wouldn't want to worry his friends over a dream. He just couldn't as much as he probably should tell them.

Cause Demigod dreams are nothing to pass off.

Family Ties (Editing/rewriting some parts)Where stories live. Discover now