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Harry woke that day after dreaming of something that he couldn't remember but he knew it was about Percy. With that, the day in the infirmary and many more hints, Harry decided to go confront his family.

Duddy got out some of his clothes and set them out as Harry took a quick shower, and he dressed himself before running downstairs after thanking Duddy for his service.

He skidded into the family dining room where Neville was already there talking with Percy, Severus talking with Lily as they waited for breakfast to be finished.

Harry had a moment of slight self conscious attack him before he took a deep breath and slammed his hands on the table getting everyone's attention, Percy jumping a little higher then anyone else. "What's with all the avoiding? Avoiding telling me about your life before Mum remembered again, the secrets you two keep and decided not to tell us?! I asked you about it last year Percy, and I never got the chance to get an explanation and I'd like one now!!" Harry said looking straight into his little brothers wide eyed.

Lily frowned. "Harry, what brought this up?" She asked softly as she saw Percy look down.

"I heard you talk to Sev about some Gabe, a stepdad you married to. And I asked Percy about it after we talked about the gross potion, he confirmed Gabe nor you were in the car really, as you had no wounds but Percy did! And what happened to the Gabe dude?!" He yelled.

Severus looked to Lily with a frown, Neville looked completely lost as he looked around wildly.

"Mom..." Percy said as he looked to his mother giving her the Okay look, to tell them everything.

Lily sighed as she rubbed her forehead. "We didn't keep secrets...we just...didn't tell you really."

"Lily dear, that's a secret." Severus said with a raised brow.

"Well, when I found myself in Manhattan as Sally Jackson, I didn't know I was pregnant till Percy started to physically show, I met a man and this man wasn't Gabe, but a sailor who was kind enough to help out and helped when I had Percy. But he was then lost at sea. I was having trouble keeping up with bills with a baby, so I married, thinking it was for the best." Lily looked to her hands as Percy tensed. "It was for awhile, but he then showed his true colors when he hit me one day. He didn't ever hit me again, but...he did hit Percy when he cried after tripping and making his nosebleed. And from there it escalated....

"Gabe was a horrible man that drank a lot. And while I worked I left Percy to fend for himself, as I tried to carry us on two jobs. One day I came home to yelling and Percy on the ground half dead..." Harry and Neville became even more wide eyed as Severus took an intake of breath, Percy tensing even more as Lily clenched her hands nearly to point of her nails entering her skin. "That is when I became Lily Potter again, I killed Gabe when my magic was released, but I don't regret it. I then ran Percy all the way to the hospital told them a fib and did my hardest to find a way to contact Severus. Then you know the rest." She finished with a sigh letting her hands uncurl.

"Lily...." Severus started. She just shook her head and looked to Percy to see him looking away from everybody, and Harry's worried stare.

"Your saying...you were nearly killed by this Gabe? Why didn't you tell us?" Harry asked softly as he sat across from Percy.

Percy sighed heavily before looking up his eyes misty. "How could I? I just wanted to forget everything that happened and leave it alone. But you guys are family...you deserve to know."

Everyone stayed quiet as they took in all the new info, Neville stayed still before hugging Percy who hugged back and put his face in his neck trying to keep his emotions in check, and keep memories at bay. Harry came over and joined in and soon it was joined by a smiling Lily and and reluctant Severus.


"Mother Fucker!!!" Harry, Percy and Neville jumped as they heard their Mother scream, they looked at each other with wide eyes as that was the first they've ever heard her curse.

She walked in to the common room where Severus was with said boys, also wide eyed.

"Lily dear, what happened?" Severus asked as he stood up.

"That impatient heifer Sirius!! He escaped Azkaban just as we were getting the trial!!" She nearly screeched as she paced around the room.

"Uncle Sirius? He escaped the inescapable prison?!?" Percy cried out with eyes even wider then before.

Lily nodded frantically. "Yes, exactly. And I have no idea where he'll be going. I heard his mind is a bit whack at the moment but that's expected of him....just...I don't know what he's going to do." She sighed as she finally sat down beside Severus who put an arm around her to comfort her.

"I'm sure he'll be looking for Harry, possibly." Neville shrugged and they all looked to him.

"Why?" Harry asked as he looked to his newly adopted brother.

Percy gasped. "Of course!! Harry, Sirius is our god father. He might think Lily is still dead! Or he's going to get revenge on Peter, but still he's come to see you after years of being somewhere he was unable to protect you and all that. Your his godson after all."

The chosen one nodded o that before frowning. "What about you though?"

"Sirius has no real connection to the outside world, he may not know Percy exists. " Severus chimes in. Though he hates talking about the man, Lily is friends with said man, he'll have to go with it.

Percy nodded. "Yeah, even though he wasn't my god father at first, Severus was, but he's going to marry mom one day so Sirius is." He said nonchalantly as he smirked to his mom and said man.

They just rolled their eyes, both with slight pink cheeks as the other boys laughed.

The tension of Sirius escaping gone from the room, at least for now.


These chapters are getting longer and longer by the way. It just happens.

Anyway, smut or not is still something I want to know is a go. I already had one person state it and if no else does by chapter 40, it's a go!

Also Mpreg may just be added.


Family Ties (Editing/rewriting some parts)Where stories live. Discover now