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When dinner was over the night before, they were led to their house in one of the higher towers, higher then griffindors. They sorta didn't have a painting for a password. They just walked through a wall much like at the train station, just only Hufflepuffs could go in and out, if they wanted another to go in from another house, the Hufflepuff has to be touching the friend to let them in. They could leave whenever but not comeback in without the Hufflepuff.

Hogwarts knew who was a Hufflepuff or not, so no need for the first years to be worried.

Percy and Neville were part of only 4 others who were sorted into Hufflepuff that year. 2 girls, 2 boys. So, the boys got the best room ever, all to themselves, it was large and only had to beds. The room supposed to have more beds, but....Hufflepuff has been having less and less people going into the house. Most were either Slytherin, or Griffindor. Ravenclaw had a steady amount but not like the previously mentioned houses. Hufflepuff was struggling.

But maybe that would change in the future.

So far the boys enjoyed their room, and soon went to sleep only to wake when a prefect told them that breakfast would soon be served. So they had rushed their showers and ran out go the great Hall, and this is where this chapter starts.

Percy laughed as he ran beside a huffing Neville. "Come on, you need this." He told his friend.

Neville just rolled his eyes. They stopped for a moment when Neville had to take a minute to breath.

"What's wrong with him?" Harry asked with a small smile on his face as he walked over, Ron following. As they had befriended at Dinner last night.

"He's just not used to running." Percy shrugged.

"Makes sense. He ran with you didn't he? Not realizing you have major AdHd." Draco said joing in with a smirk. He was alone at the moment, his new friends already in the hall.

Hermione joined then. "He does? Interesting. I do too. But not as severe."

Neville gasped. "I do too, but not like Percy." He whined.

The group laughed.

Draco looked to Ron who was giving him suspicious stares. "What is it Weasley?" He asked annoyed.

"How do you know the Jackson's?" Ron asked folding his arms.

Harry looked to his new friend. "He's a family friend in a way. Me and him aren't exactly friends. But him and my brother are."

"Let's eat." Percy said suddenly after a long silence before striding into the great Hall.

Harry rolled his eyes before following him saying a swift goodbye to his brother before heading to his seat. Ron following, doing the same, just to be polite. Hermione as well went in giving Draco a smile as they went in together, both going to their own house tables.

But poor Neville still trying to catch his breath went in, and instantly sat beside Percy with a huff. Then he started eating cereal with some fruits here and there. While Percy, having learned a charm to make food blue. Did so, with his bacon to his bread. His housemates were amused by it.

Soon they were all given their schedules. Percy glad he had some with the other houses, not cause it was diverse but cause he liked spending time with his new friends and his brother. And Draco.

"Cool, we have some free time in between some classes." Neville said as he took a spoonful of his random cereal.

Percy smiled. "It's good. This way my brain doesn't hurt to much from deciphering words and letters." He chuckled to himself.

"Wait, why?" Neille asked Looking up from his paper to Percy.

"I have a major case of dyslexia." Percy explained.

Neville blinked. "Me too. Well maybe not as major but it gets hard sometimes."

Percy smiled. "We just have a lot in common now don't we?" He laughed.

Neville smiled back, laughing a bit as well. "Yeah we do."

Then mail came, Harry's owl Hedwig came. And Percy's, named Azule flew in. Both with a letter, most likely from their mother.

"Hah, my mom wrote us! Harry owes me 20 galleons." Percy smirked as he took the letter gently and petted Azule who was standing on his empty plate. Sapphire looking at the owl curiously.

"You guys made a bet on getting letters?" Neville asked curious and amused.

Percy nodded as he opened the letter. "Yep, he said it wouldn't happen until Sev talked to her. But he doesn't know Sev and them talk as regularly as possible. He thought it would be tomorrow at least, or at lunch." Percy laughed.

Neville seemed to think for a second before looking at the teachers table where he eyes the greasy black haired teacher for potions. "Wait...Sev, ad in Severus Snape our potions teacher?" Neville asked, shocked.

Percy nodded to busy reading his mother's letter.

Dear Percy
I'm so very proud of you! I heard you got into Hufflepuff from Severus, he fire called me as soon as he could, he promised he would knowing you guys would be to tired or to excited to remember to tell me yourselves.
But I'm so proud of you my little badger. I'm proud for Harry to, I wrote him a letter as well. But this isn't his letter it's yours.
Keep up with your studies and if Severus is being to hard on you two, just tell me.
Love, your Mother Lily.

Percy smiled to himself. Glad his mom was proud of him, like she was for Harry.

Sooner then the boys wanted it was time for classes.

With a sigh. Harry quickly snatched a peice of ham of the table before it all disappeared and gave some to Azule who hooted in thanks before flying off, then he gave the rest to Sapphire who thanked him with rubbing her head to his cheek.

"Let's go Neville!" Percy said happily as he got up.

Neville groaned but went with the excitedly boy.

Both talking about how their first class would be like as they walked towards it, unknowingly to Percy, that Hogwarts was steering them in the right direction as others got lost.

Family Ties (Editing/rewriting some parts)Where stories live. Discover now