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When they walked inside, there was a fountain and trees with bushes, flowers as well with the ceiling enchanted to look like a sunny day. In front of them, several other tents were there with silver trimming that seemed to glow. Each tent had little sign in front of it with a name.

Severus and Lily's tent was straight in front of them all, taller then the rest but you could see inside and the bed was obviously huge and there was a dining table in there just for the two of them and a closet, which most likely had some of their clothes.

Percy and Neville's were beside each other. But one was obviously Percy's with how much blue was inside. Then Harry was straight across being gold and red.

It was their own little world in here.

"Wow..." Ron said as he looked around. "This is amazing!" He said as he too looked around but was actually able to speak.

Percy had the thought he could possibly use these on a trip sometime. Actually he probably could. "Yeah..." He said as he walked in some more before running to the bluest place out of them all.

"Did Lucius...?" Lily was left without an answer to her half asked question, but from Snapes nodding, she got her answer. Lucius did in fact buy them their own tent and sub bubble world. "That must of cost a lot!" She worried making Severus just wrap his arms around her.

"It's fine dear I'm sure he meant it as a gift. It's what friends do." He told her as the flaps moved and in entered the Malfoy group.

Lucius smirked at the couple. "It is in fact a gift Lily, your just getting used to the pureblood lifestyle. We could have gone all the way but this was more simple." He shrugged as he heard Percy yell out that he had a piano in his room. "Well simpler." He chuckled as Percy started playing random notes.

Lady Malfoy laughed as well at Lily's exasperated look. "Don't worry, close your tent flaps and the silencing charms will be in place." She said and Lily only smiled at her in return as three younger ones flew in and towards the growing group by the campfire.

Draco, Luna and Blaise had arrived in the small but actually large tent, they first had to put their own things away before coming over, but they did so in haste. Luna more surly as usual but still as fast as she could. She was then heading towards Neville's tent, while Blaise went towards Harry and Ron, and Draco...well you can guess on the first try where he headed for right away. If you guessed anything but Percy, then what is wrong with you?

Harry watched as Blaise stood nearly a few inches from Ron, which Ron's cheeks turning pink as he tried to keep a conversation between the two of them, semi-normal. It wasn't working.

While Luna and Neville talked about the last edition of the quibbler her father had edited.

Percy was being taught how to properly play the piano by Draco, who was quickly learning that Percy could learn it, just his attention was completely out of it.

Ron then decided to make his move, not that one, but one that he forgot. "Crap, Hermione!" He said his face going pale which was better then his slowly growing red one.

"Let's go get her then, right?" Neville said as he and Luna came over to them in Harry's tent, "Percy was saying that we needed to get her before she judo flips us or something." He said laughing nervously when Percy walks in looking antsy.

"It's very true." He says gravely and they all stand up and head out.

Lily laughing as she watches them run out to get the last part of their group.


The group of seven were severely scolded by their smartest friend when they came to the Weasley tent, she didn't get on them to bad but still it made them note down never to keep her waiting again.

They were then led off to the game by the Weasleys, meeting up awkwardly with the Malfoys but no remarks were said to either. Only Ron who followed his friends without realizing the slight apprenticeship between Lucious and Arthur. Then they enjoyed the game.

Bulgaria lost after their seeker Victor Krum couldn't find the golden snitch which Harry had pointed out several times, as well as Percy to the rest of them.

Things were fairly simple and easy going, but it didn't stay that way.

In the middle of the night, Lucius had barged into their tent in black robes and woke Lily and Severus. "Up, up! Now!" He said hurriedly as he removed the blanket from them to find Severus shirt less and Lily in a silky slip. But he didn't mind that he quickly threw them robes. "Apparently Voldemort ordered an attack. Hurry. Leave before they kill you and Harry."

Lily was up and out of her bed and racing to get her children. "Why is he attacking now? And of all places here!" She said frantically as she put her shoes on.

"I have no clue, I've told Narcissa to grab the kids and apperate them to your home, would that be okay?" He said as he put his hood up.

"That'll be fine." Severus said as he too put his shoes on.

With that Lucius was gone.

Lily quickly got Harry up who was a bit more then confused as he bumbled around, tripping over himself to get his own shoes on, while Severus got Neville who quickly and quietly did his best to get his own shoes on, but he was being pulled out towards Percy's tent when large quakes happened after a large boom sound.

"It's starting. Hurry Lily!" Severus said as he wrapped Neville in a robe and went into Percy's tent only to have his heart stop to find that Percy's wasn't even in his bed.


Ooooooo, Where's Percy?!? Anyone? Hehehe, welp guess you'll just have to find out hmm?

Lol, hope you all enjoyed this chapter, see you guys next time!


Family Ties (Editing/rewriting some parts)Where stories live. Discover now