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Percy was confused to say the least. His mom was out doing who knows what again, and there was a strange man at their door. It was only a day from Poseidon's visit, but this man wasn't him.

He was tall, lean but had muscle, a hooked nose, and dark almost black eyes, that matched with black long hair that met his shoulders. The weirdest thing was he was wearing robes.

"And you are?" Percy asked ignoring what he thought were sleep robes.

"I'm looking for Lily Potter." He said the last name with distaste. Eyeing me warily.

"I don-actually, I do, but my mom is off doing stuff, she said she'd be here at 1....why don't you come on in?" Percy asked as he moved to let the weirdly dressed man in. He didn't sense any danger from him, so why not?

The man thanked Percy and walked inwards to the barely furnished room.

"Can I know your name?" Percy asked as he let the man sit on the couch.

"Severus Snape." The man said awkwardly.

Percy's eyes widen and smiled slightly. "So your the guy my mom told me about and why my middle name is Severus."

The man's eyes widen and in walked Lily, and his eyes widened even more. So did hers.

"Severus!!" She smiled so widely and threw her self at the man.

"Lily...." He said breathlessly.

"Sooo....you two a thing?" Percy asked wiggling his eyebrows and making the two blush.


After awhile of talking, Percy now understood they were moving to England. With Snape. And then getting his older brother, which he was excited for. Something about helping a Sirius Black as well. Since he's Percy's Godfather and all as well as Harry's.

But the thing is they were going to see some Dark Lord first, well, Death eaters. That work for the Dark Lord.

"You won't mind if I stay with you guys tonight?" Snape asked as he looked at the time.

"No, not at all, this way." Lily says as shows Snape to his room, leaving Percy to watch TV for the moment.

Snape looked into the room he'd be staying in, and winced a slight bit to find a single bed, and that's all.

"Sorry we don't have much at the moment." Lily said as Snape set his robes on the end of the bed, showing off a black button up and black slacks.

"Which brings me to my last question, what's been going on the past 10 years of your life? How'd you get here and why?" Snape asked looking worriedly at the one he will always love.

Lily looked away from her friends gaze. "Alot..." Was all she whispered out.

Snape looked concerned as he stepped closer to her. "You can tell me anything remember?"

The smile that was on her face made the man's heart clench just the tiniest bit. "Just a rough life of remembering nothing." She said before turning to leave.

"Right..." Severus said under his breath as he looked at her back.

Lily turned before she really left and looked Severus in the eyes. "Goodnight." Then she was gone.



Percy wasn't tired. Well he was, but he didn't want to go to bed with all the nightmares he had nearly every time he closed his eyes.

Lily walked in a couple minutes later to see her son watching television. She sighed and turned it off. "It's time for bed."

Percy looked away and pouted. "I don't need to sleep." He said.

"Yes you do." She replies rolling her eyes at her son's tendencies. "Come on, cookies and milk, then bed."

Percy sighed and rolled to the kitchen, his mom following him, there he grabbed a bunch of cookies, his mom taking most away as he didn't need that much before bed. Then he grabbed some milk and did what his mom suggested.

"Percy, have you been alright these past couple months? I know I've been extra busy and all-" his mom started but he interrupted.

"It's fine Mom, just tired." He said giving a smile, while his mom gave him a look, before shooing him to his room where he easily got in, with a bit of a struggle, in his bed.

Percy looked to his plain ceiling and wondered what exactly his life would be like when they got to England. He wondered what their home would be like, what magic was like, what the other wizards were like?

But most of all how his brother Harry was like.

Lily watched Percy go before sighing herself and eating a cookie, she knew full well her son was having nightmares, causing him to have less, and less sleep. She wished she could just whip up a sleeping potion, or better yet have Severus do it but she didn't have any of the materials they needed.

Finishing off her cookie she decided to head off to bed after cleaning up the kitchen and then to retiring to her own room.


The next morning both males in the house could smell the delicious breakfast being cooked up in the kitchen by the wonderful Lily Potter.

Percy was out of his room quicker then anyone could say a spell, even if he was the one in a wheel chair till further notice.

He was at the table as Severus came in looking slightly groggy, but awake to have some breakfast, already in his robes and wand placed on the table as he took a spot.

Lily smiled at the boys and quickly served them all with a big smile and then sat down to join them. Pride swelling in her chest each time either of the males made a satisfied sound at her amazing cooking.

Soon they were done and Severus had everything they needed packed into small little boxes that could easily go into their pockets.

Soon, they all left to a airport, with Percy bouncing with excitement, and his AdHd, as no nightmares disturbed his sleep the night before.

"So, we're off to get Harry right? Him first before anything else?" Percy asked as he sat in the middle of Snape and Lily.

Lily nodded absently as she put both of their seatbelts on, glad Zeus didn't exactly know about Percy yet. "Yes. Then we'll be staying with Sev until we can get our own home." She said trying to tame Percy's wild locks, but gave up as soon as Percy swatted her hand away.

Snape smiled at their display, and couldn't help this feeling of fatherly affection towards the boy. He sure hoped it would pass.

If only he knew.

Family Ties (Editing/rewriting some parts)Where stories live. Discover now