Joel: Woah! Okay! We knew you weren't to fond of them but you don't talk about them like that they are special to us.

Richard: Yeah Ali please a little respect. Besides we were just letting you know we weren't asking for permission.

She starts laughing again.

Ali: Like hell are you walking that red carpet with them it's not happening!

Richard: It's not your choice Ali we made up our minds.

They were about to walk out when...

Ali: If you walk out that door , say goodbye to your careers and cnco.

Richard: What?

Ali: You heard me! If you walk out or walk that damn carpet with any of those girls... cnco will be over... forever..

Chris: Ali stop playing it isn't that serious

Joel: You can't do that we have a contract!

The mischievous smile that appears across her face makes them shiver. She walks over to the folders she was holding and pulls out a few documents.

Ali: You're right Joel you do have a contract. Here why don't you read it.

Joel a little confused takes the papers from Ali and starts reading. He pales.

Joel: No... no... this isn't our contract..

Ali: Oh but it is... look all your signatures are right there.

Richard: What is it? What does it say?

Joel looks at him and gulps. Richard gets inpatient and snatches the papers from Joel and reads. Christopher, Zabdiel and Erick also reach out for theirs.

Richard: What? What the hell is this?

Chris: Wtf?

Erick: What....

Zabdi: How...

Chris: Why would you do this to us?

Joel: What the hell is wrong with you? Is this even legal?

Richard: There's no way this is true!

Ali: Oh but it is... I own you now! All of you! And if you all even try to defy me you'll be seeing me in court and saying goodbye to your careers.

Joel: Why are you doing this?

Ali: Because I knew you would get brainwashed by them. They only want your fame and money open your eyes. I can't let you throw away your careers like that. You guys need girls like Bianca and her friends now they're a catch. They're well known they already famous..

Richard: Is that all you care about? Fame? Money?

Ali: Of course not sweetie, I care about all of you trust me... now don't worry if you want to walk that carpet with somebody you will.

Richard: If you think I'm walking out there with any of those females you're crazy

She sighs.

Ali: Fine! Don't! If any of you don't do as I say just go... but remember once you walk out that door there will be no more cnco. You won't have a contract, you won't have a career, you won't have a fandom and you won't be making what you love the most... music... because that's what you all love more than anything right? Music? Don't be stupid! Don't let yourselves down don't let your family and fans down.. if those girls are worth you loosing everything then be my guest but remember I'll make sure you won't have anything and trust me I'll make it happen. The choice is yours!

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