Chapter 26

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It was night and everyone was heading to the dining pavilion to eat dinner. The alpha team plus Leo eating their food at a table that Percy had made for them that was off to the side from the rest of the campers.

The moment that Percy took a bite from his food, the nearest table, the Athena table, spoke.

"You know, you're supposed to offer food to the gods." Malcom spoke as he showed that his plate was already missing a small portion of the food and he hadn't even eaten yet.

Percy swallowed his bite of chicken before he spoke, "I don't offer food to the gods. None of us do."

Malcom and nearly every camper in the vicinity was now staring at the men and women sent by Chaos.

"Not even to Chaos?" Malcom tilted his head to the side in confusion, his Athena brain trying to figure out how these people didn't sacrifice food for the gods. Even those Christians with their God will pray or something to their God. But these people just ate without a care. "Won't he be upset that you don't sacrifice to him? He is the creator of the world."

"No we don't. Leave it at that child, we sacrifice to no one." Percy growled, he eyes flashed red briefly, "if you would excuse us, we would like to continue our meal in peace."

Malcom opened his mouth to retort or argue with the commander but he figured that the smart choice would be to just leave it and he turned back to his table.

Everyone kept a side eye on the alpha team but no one spoke to them for the whole meal. They were the first to finish and as they stood up to leave, a small child, a girl, tapped Percy's leg.

Percy spun around to see who touched him but he just looked down to see a short girl with a mop of curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and freckles littered all over her face. She looked no older than eight so Percy knelt down to be at her height.

"Hello little one. Who might you be?"

The girl took a gulp and tried to smile without looking scared. "Um, I-I'm Amber. Nice to meet-to meet you s-sir." She stuttered.

"I'm Kane. What did I do to have the wonderful honor to be speaking to such a sweet girl? What's up?"

"Well, you-you see, erm... we're having a ca-campfire tonight and well...well, do you wanna m-maybe come?"

Percy looked back to his team to see Selena, Leo, Nico, Bianca, and Beckendorf shrug yes while Ethan, Will, Luke, and Zoe scrunched their faces for a no. Percy looked back at the girl and picked her up.

"Well Amber. I'd love to come. Some of my teammates don't want to but I'll be there." He tickled her nose.

Amber giggled in response and she clutched into his upper arm as he cradled her in his arms. "Lead the way m'lady Amber."

Amber giggled once more and she pointed forwards. Percy held her tighter so that she wouldn't fall and he took off.

Needless to say, the other campers were watching in shock, once Percy was out of view, their eyes were planted on the rest of the team.

"What just happened?" Annabeth questioned.
"I think they took my sister? But she's enjoying it?" A son of Apollo spoke.
"Well!" Will ribbed his hands together, "this has been great but I personally don't want to go to a campfire so I'll head back to our base."

He walked off with Zoe, Ethan, and Luke on his trail.

"I mean... the campfire might be nice. A good camp bonding experience? Right Stoke?" Bianca looked at Nico with a warm smile.
"Correct Widow. Let's go." They both melted into a shadow and shadow traveled to the camp site.

"Did they just..." Jason began.
"Shadow-travel?" Selena finished, "Yes they did."

Annabeth just stared in shock, her brain trying to figure out what's going on. "Are they children of Hades?"

Selena was quick to cover for her friends/teammates. "Not that I'm aware of, no. Chaos blessed us all with powers, even powers we weren't born with or had no way of getting ever. I guess Chaos just managed to bless them with shadow travel." Selena smiled at the campers, "we all have come sort of teleportation power."

She grabbed Charlie's hand and put her head on his shoulder, "see you guys at the campfire." Charlie waved as they both vanished into thin air.

All that was left was Leo.

"Leo, how do you know them?" Annabeth stepped closer to the son of Hephaestus, her brain filled with questions to interrogate him with.

Leo whistled and looked at his wrist, the one without the magical watch on it. "Look at the time. Campfire seems nice but I must say, I'm pooped. Night guys!" He spoke rapidly and he burnt up into flames as he transported himself back to the alpha team base where all prying eyes couldn't go to.

Percy slowed to a stop as he had arrived st the campfire with the giggling bundle of joy in his arms.

"You know Amber. I hope that one day, if I have a kid that they will be just as sweet and good hearted as you are."

Gently, Percy put down the small girl and she hugged his legs. "Thank you Mr.Kane. You're really nice. Some of the others say that your really mean and grumpy but you're nice!"

Percy's face turned upwards into a genuine smile and he rubbed the top of her head. "I have to be serious sometimes but it's nice to be fun too. Now, let's wait till the others come so this campfire can start."

Amber threw her fists in the air as she cheered. She walked over to a log and though she struggled, she climbed on top, sat down, and lay her hands flat on her legs as she began kick her feet up and down. Percy day down next to her and he began to twist his ring and making sure that the dagger wouldn't pop out again.

After a few seconds of Amber and Percy alone, Nico, Bianca, Selena and Beckendorf all appeared and sat down next to him. Minutes after the teammates who agreed to come, came, the rest of the campers came too.

Annabeth was one of the last ones to arrive and it seemed to be for a reason. She stood up and waited for the campfire's chatter to full down to murmurs.

"Hello everyone. Welcome to our annual campfire in honor of our most beloved hero. I'll call up his best friend, Grover."

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