Writer's Block

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  You were having an extreme issue focusing on writing your final paper. Now whether that was the caffeine, your boyfriend, or the more likely option being your caffeinated boyfriend. He was sat across from you and even though he was sitting moderately still, he was bouncing his leg like crazy. 

It was the irritating habit he had that drove you crazy some days. And today was one of those days. You couldn't help but groan at the amount of frustration you were feeling. 

Ben looked up from his phone, seeing the expression on your face. His whole body went still, except for the muscles in his arm that moved so his hand could connect with yours.

"Y/N," Ben said softly. He knew you were getting upset, you had been upset with this paper for days right now and you just couldn't get over this stint of writer's block that stopped you from powering through the paper. A feeling you, unfortunately, knew all too well. And thankfully, Ben knew exactly how to handle you in this state. 

"Ben, I just need to push past it," you said, running a hand through your hair. Starting to type you end up with a sentence. To the naked eye, it would've been a fantastic starting point, but to you it was awful. You deleted it, almost furiously. 

You were about to attempt the act again, but the lid of your laptop was shut. "Y/N, C'mon," Ben said, gently stroking his thumb against the back of your hand. "Let's take a break for a bit. You've had two cups of coffee and have been staring at that screen for probably three hours at this point," Ben said opening the time on his phone. 

You hadn't even realized how much time had passed. In New York City, everything was constantly going at a mile a minute. 

You nodded in agreement, tucking away your laptop in your backpack, slipping it over your shoulder as you tossed away your coffees. 

Ben stood up, cleaning up his mess as well before he grabbed your hand and led you to the car. 

He opened the passenger side door for you, and you graciously took the offer, slipping your bag onto the floor by your feet. Ben started the car and immediately the engine began to hum, filling the silence in the car. It was a comfortable silence, allowing you to rest your head against the window as you watched the different sceneries pass before your eyes. You felt your eyes slowly drift shut. 

Ben gently rested his hand on your lower thigh, tapping along to some song in his head as he just drove aimlessly around the town.  You felt as your whole body relaxed. Deep breaths. 

Suddenly you had stories dancing across your visions, words began to flow out of you and it had finally broken. You were finally back. 

Hey guys! So sorry it has taken me so long but I finally pushed through my writer's block. Thanks to all of you for being so patient with me! Much love! 

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