Lunchtime (Part 1?)

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You are a high school junior and Ben is a senior. You guys have been friends for quite a few years because of your older brother, Tyler, who is also a senior.

You were determined that this year would be different, you were going to have it all. Top of the class, participate in school activities, and maybe this year finally have a boyfriend. That last one seemed a bit of a stretch along with stereotypical but there was still the hopeless romantic in you that yearned to be thought of in that way. As you wandered the halls on your way to the lunchroom you hadn't really given much thought about who you would sit with. Of course, none of your friends had ended up with your lunch so you were left to be alone. You reached the lunchroom at last and wandered around for a moment. You felt like an idiot standing in the middle of the lunchroom your junior year, and you had nowhere to sit. You looked around searching for some form of a familiar face but failed...miserably. You decided you would just go eat on the bleachers with a good book and let it be that way for the year. As you were exiting the doors to the quad you were stopped. You turned to see the force that had latched itself to your bicep and were greeted by the face of Benjamin Tyler Cook. He and your brother had been friends since kindergarten and he had been like a brother to you. Up until recently you could tease him and play around as if he was Tyler, but recently you would get butterflies when he flopped on the couch next to you, or propped himself on the counter and ate an apple with you.

"Hey y/n! I know you're not headed out to the quad," He said flashing his bright beautiful smile. You felt a chill rise against your spine and tried to conceal it from him.

"Um, I actually was. None of my friends have this lunch so I was just going to chill in the quad," you replied softly, your voice locking itself at a minimum hearing volume.

"Um I take great offense to that statement y/l/n I thought that I was your friend," He whined removing his hand from your arm and crossing them in front of himself. To this statement, you couldn't help but let out a chuckle and nod that he was your friend. Even though you wanted more. He let a bright smile brush across his face and took you over to his table. A few other boys were already seated there. You were finally among the likes of Joshua Burrage, Sky Flaherty, and DeMarius Copes. The letter-jacket-clad boys surrounded you as you sat in the middle, next to Ben. The boys nodded to you as you opened up your lunch. You first unpacked some fruit snacks, and then pulled out your sandwich. "So y/n, what does it feel like to be an upperclassman," Josh asked turning to you. You looked at him and thought for a moment, your head tilted slightly in thought. 

"I still feel like I'm beneath everyone, I don't know, it's this really weird middle place and it kinda sucks if I'm being honest," You just kinda mumbled on. Ben wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into him giving you a small hug. You smiled as you leaned against him, a small shiver releasing itself as you felt the heat between your two bodies. You opened the pack of fruit snacks, offering one to all the boys. "So DeMarius, how is all the stuff for the fall show coming together," You asked a smile stretched across your face. 

DeMarius' face lit up at the question, "It's all going really great, I'm actually really excited for rehearsals to begin, I'm thankful for the free time I have right now though." You nodded to that statement and took a sip out of your water bottle. As you were about to return it to its spot on the table Ben snatched it from you and took a hefty sip.

"Ben! That was y/n's and now it has your germs and diseases all over it, I highly doubt she'll want it back," Sky scolded as he looked up from his phone. The boys formed a chorus of laughter as Ben began his rebuttal.

"Actually Sky, y/n happens to be fine with my germs," Ben said as he kissed the top of your forehead. As you tried to move away and act angry at Ben he wrapped both arms around you to keep you in place. "Nope, you're not going anywhere," he added. You finally gave up try and tilted your head back to look at him.

"I actually feel hate for you sometimes," You said in a pouty tone as you stuck out your tongue. 

"This is a moment we need to savor forever," Josh said as he took a photo, Sky quickly following suit. You rolled your eyes at the boys as Ben opened his mouth to speak again.

"Oh, by the way, y/n, Tyler can't drive you home after school so he asked me to take you home since I'm going over to yours after anyway. So don't think that you're done with these idiots quite yet." Before you could roll your eyes DeMarius let out a betrayed 'Hey!' and the bell rang to signal lunch was over. Ben stood up, grabbing your hand and leading you to your class. "Here," he said shrugging off the letter jacket, I noticed you were cold during lunch and I don't really need it so take it. I'll get it back from you later," His smile shone brightly across his face. The sweet boy you once knew had now become the confusing rollercoaster of emotions. As you stepped into the classroom you turned around one last time to wave goodbye to Ben. He smiled back at you and nodded before turning and walking off. God, how were you going to survive this car ride? 

I kind of want to do a part 2 to this so let me know if you would like that. Well, that's all for today but I'll definitely see you tomorrow!

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