And They Were Roommates

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You had always been passionate about your skating, and after being stuck in a small town with little opportunities, you left. You had received an invitation to try out for the Ice Theatre of New York. The only problem was you needed a place to live. Thankfully you had found an ad for a roommate on some Facebook page for dancers/musicians/singers etc. It was with two boys who were on Broadway, and you had heard of one of them before. You got talking with the two boys (Ben Cook and Josh Burrage) and the living arrangement seemed like a perfect match for you.

The two boys were constantly at dance classes (which you would happily tag along) or the theatre. You would have the apartment to yourself, mostly, and on the plus side, Josh and Ben didn't seem like the party type.

As you exited the airport you saw two familiar looking boys holding a sign that read 'Y/F/N Y/L/N- aka Y/N/N.' You chuckled to yourself as you walked over to the strawberry blonde and the brunette, letting each of them hug you. You guys had been talking for a couple months now and had all really bonded, and these boys were like family to you.

You had made a promise to yourself that you would stay as 'family' to the boys. No romantic feelings. You had seen too many roommate situations get messy when emotions got involved. More specifically when they got destroyed.

The car ride back was pretty quiet, and you spent most of it asleep on Ben because they had brought Hammer along (who was incredibly sweet) and he obviously needed the front seat, and Ben didn't want to drive, so he got stuck in the back with you.

Once you all arrived to the apartment, Ben gently woke you up while Josh unloaded your suitcase from the trunk. Ben helped you carry your carry-on into the apartment while you carried Hammer inside. You had never met such a sweet dog and he was stuck to you like glue. Once you got into the apartment Ben and Josh led you to the third bedroom, all the way in the back of the apartment. It was a cozy room with only a dresser, a full sized bed, and a very comfy looking armchair.

You were very eager to see how this situation would pan out, buy for now you had to unpack and find a way to get Hammer off the bed long enough for you to make it.

Two weeks later

Your life was such a whirlwind these past two weeks that everything seemed to blend together. You and the boys had all gotten pretty close, having had multiple movie nights together. You found yourself clinging to Ben a bit more which made you nervous. You had made a promise to yourself that you weren't going to screw things up by letting your heart jump away from you, and into the hands of one of your roommates.

Unfortunately you couldn't resist the little things he did, making you fall for him more and more.

You and Hammer were chilling in your bed, while you wrote up a mini biography for the ITNY's website, and soon Ben waltzed into your room.

"Yes," you questioned barely looking up from your laptop as Hammer's ears perked up while Ben Sat at the edge of the bed. That dog was very protective of you, and you knew he was your soulmate.

"I wanna go out Y/N," Ben whined as he closed his eyes and flopped back dramatically. While he flopped you were able to pick up his cologne, calling butterflies to the pit of your stomach.

"Fine Benjamin, let's take Hammer to the park, he needs to go out too," you suggested as you unraveled yourself from the comfort of the blankets. This boy better understand how special he was that you were leaving the comfort of your bed to take him out like a dog.

You slipped on a pair of boots and your jacket while Ben got Hammer ready for a walk. As you two walked out the door, you could feel a hand leading you on your lower back, and it was a comforting feeling.

You two found a comfortable rock to sit down on while Hammer ran around on a patch of grass that surrounded the rock. You were along a beautiful little pond and you could feel the cool breeze shoot up from the water, and it was not enjoyable. You felt a very aggressive shiver shoot down your spine, and you did not know why you had left your bed- until a comforting arm pulled you into himself. You couldn't help but let your guard down and to cozy into him.

"I really appreciate you guys taking me in on such short notice, Ben, I really hope you know that."
Your gaze trailed up from his chest to his deep blue eyes, making you feel as if you were drowning in the pond that was in front of you.

"Y/N you've been such a great roommate, I really hope you know how thankful I am to have met you."

Ben's eyes were so captivating and you hated to break the moment, but you had to. You pulled out your phone, taking a picture from your viewpoint, making sure the lighting was perfect before snapping a pic.

Hammer heard the click of the shutter and immediately wanted his picture to be taken. You and Ben both laughed as you started to take pictures of Hammer and each other. At one point you and Ben went to take a picture of each other simultaneously and Ben suggested just taking a selfie. He placed his arm around your waist, pulling you in and you place your head against his shoulder. He snapped the picture, and you two stayed in the position.

You felt words building up inside you before they just messily tumbled out. "Wouldn't it be cute if we kissed," but what you weren't expecting was for Ben to say it at almost exactly the same time. You could feel the heat building up in your cheeks. Ben gently moved his hand from your waist, to your cheek before slowly closing the space between your lips.

The kiss was soft and sweet and you could hear the shutter of the camera go off, feeling the electricity of the emotions flowing between the two of you.

You two broke apart while Hammer started to jump at your legs. You picked him up and you and Ben walked back to the apartment, hand in hand.

As Ben, Josh, and you all sat in the living room, you and Ben kept making love eyes at each other. Josh had gotten the ability to pick the movie tonight and him and Ben had been going back and forth all night so he picked the Newsies movie. You could tell Ben was angry beacause everytime one of the boys watched this movie they would poke fun at Ben.

Thankfully though it turned out better than expected because when "Something to Believe in" came on you found yourself and Ben humming the parts. Eventually singing at the chorus, and Josh catching on. Once you realized what had just happened you felt your cheeks burning up slightly.

"That's why you two have been like this all night. Makes sense," Josh said as he just shrugged.

You smiled at Ben while Hammer sat curled in your lap, helping you doze off as Ben turned on another Disney movie.

Sorry I've been gone so long you guys. My life has been a whirlwind and I've been very busy with school and my boyfriend. Now that I'm pretty stable with school I'm going to try and update more! I hope you enjoyed this part. Also, thank  you so much to narniasprincess for making this request!

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