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  It was your senior year of high school and you had somehow let your counselor trick you into taking an extra year of math. You already had your 3 credits, but she pulled the guilt line. "Well, Y/N, if you take another year of math you won't be rusty going into college." You heard it playing over and over in your head as you stared blankly at the board.

It wasn't that you didn't like math or weren't good at it, it was just drilled in your head so much that taking this class just felt repetitive.  

You felt a light tap on your shoulder, and you maneuvered awkwardly in the awkward desk/chair thing. You turned towards a very confused looking boy. It seemed to take him a minute to put together a coherent sentence before finally whispering, "Do you have any clue what is going on?" 

You held in a slight chuckle as you looked up to the board. Oh fun, a nice fat LIMIT was written across the top. You looked at some of the example problems and wrote them down on your notebook, moving your notebook over to the edge to show the boy how to do it. 

"I'm Ben by the way," he whispered sticking his hand out to you, so you shook his hand as you whispered a short reply of, "Y/N." 

  After showing the Ben how to do the problems, along with watching the very lost look on his face, you decided to offer to tutor him. You two met up in the library during you free periods (7/8) and pulled out all your calculus stuff. 

"I don't get how you understand any of this stuff, it's near impossible. It's all just a bunch of numbers and letters that are somehow supposed to give me the answer to everything around me..." Ben mumbled as he stared at the 7th problem.

"How about you come over this Saturday, at around let's say 3," you suggest scribbling down your address and phone number. 

"I'll see you then I guess," Ben said packing up. 

Two days had passed and it was finally Saturday. In those two days you found out you and Ben had a lot in common and he was surprisingly good at 8 ball. 

You heard a knock on the door, and you hopped up to open it. "Hey Ben!" You wore a bright smile on your face as you wrapped your arms around the boy. He smelled surprisingly good. Like a real cologne and not the Axe that everyone wears. 

"Hey Y/N!" He returned the hug, giving you a slight squeeze as you both seperated. 

"C'mon let's get started," you said, waving him to follow you to the dining room. You had already set out your calculus stuff along with some water and snacks. Even though you and Ben hadn't been talking for very long you already considered yourselves friends and wanted to make a good first impression of your house. 

  After a few problems, Ben was finally starting to get the hang out limits. "Okay, so this problem, solve it on your own." 

Ben looked at it for a minute before a bright grin spread across his face, "the limit does not exist!" 

A bright smile spread across your face as you embraced each other. You sat there for a moment before  planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "Good job." You whispered it softly in his ear as his grip around your waist tightened. 

Ben Tyler Cook ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now