Connection (part 6)

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After your little photo shoot, Kyrie made an executive decision to drive Josh home, so you grabbed your stuff and hopped into Ben's car. You had to make sure to shoot your mom a quick text because you didn't want her to think you had gotten kidnapped. You carelessly tossed your stuff into Ben's back seat and hopped into the front. Ben was finishing up his conversation with Josh before sliding into the driver's seat. 

You had to admit. You two had a great connection on the phone, but one on one was a bit different. It wasn't that the silence was uncomfortable, God it was far from that. It was just... silence. Eventually though, Ben turned on some music and you two started jamming. From what you could tell it was mostly modern, occasionally though a pop banger from the 90s would pop up. 

You were just sitting there jamming with him, eventually, you two rolled to a stop at a park. You knew this park because it was from the same block as your elementary school. You used to come here all the time, and then eventually realized it was really creepy for a high schooler to be alone at a park where the main population was third graders. Stepping out of the car a wave of nostalgia washed over you, and it was weird. 

"You okay," Ben asked, resting a gentle hand on your shoulder, picking up on your odd silence. 

"Yeah, yeah," You started flipping your hair, "I just used to come here all the time, and then I stopped."

"Well I mean this is where I met you," He started, pacing over to the bottom of an orange slide, kicking woodchips on his way. "Right about here." He sat on the woodchips and you tried to remember. And then you did. 

It was the 1st day of fourth grade and there was a new student. A boy. Ew, cooties. You didn't have any need to talk to him so you were standing by the swingset, with your friend Gen, when you saw the new boy get knocked over. 'Well, that wasn't very nice!'  The boy's orangish hair was all messy and covered in woodchips now. Your mama had always told you that you were going to be a strong leader from how much you spoke your mind, and boy were you about to speak your mind now. "HEY!" Wow, you did not know you could speak this loud. It felt like a superpower. 

Johnathan looked at you, eye to eye. What a mean kid. Seriously he was a fifth grader, no need for him to pick on you guys. "What do you want Y/L/N?"

 "I want you to leave the new kid alone. He's done nothing wrong!"

"He came to this school, that's what he did wrong."

"Well you came here too, and you don't see anybody pushing you down on the playground."

Johnathan gave you an angered look, but the argument was enough to make him not want to pick on the new boy anymore. You walked over the boy with the orange head and got the woodchips out before offering him your hand. 

"Y/F/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you..."

"Ben, Ben Cook," the boy said as he took your hand and stood up. The two of you shook hands before he went over to play soccer with some of the other boys. 

It had all come back to you and you walked over to him. You ran your fingers through his hair, pretending to get woodchips out before giving him your hand. "Y/F/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you..."

"Ben, Ben Cook," Ben replied with a bright white smile. 

Ben Tyler Cook ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now