Do you want a ride?

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"C'monnnn," you groaned as your phone screen quickly went black. No service, no phone, no car, no hope. You looked around at your surroundings, and surrounding you on every side were hills. Not little tiny hills you would have rolled down as a child and land at the bottom giggling, but giant hills that intimidated anyone who dare look for a top. There was no use in walking forward so you just decided to take a seat in your car. The road was quiet, but not an eerie quiet that would alarm you if someone else drive down the road. Your eyes closed slightly but opened as you heard someone roll up behind you. You stayed seated in your car with the doors locked, but rolled down the window. You watched the second car as a sweet looking, baby-faced boy exited. His strawberry blonde curls bounced their way over to your door and his bright ocean blue eyes quickly met with yours. It was hard to hear anything he said as his eyes captivated almost all of your attention.

"Hey, I noticed you pulled over and just wanted to make sure you were alright," he spoke, his voice soft and sweet as the rest of him. "I'm Ben by the way," he smiled. "Ben," whispered in your heart like a song.

"Hi, Ben, I'm Y/n." You smiled sweetly at him. "Actually I do need some help, do you happen to have a phone I can borrow, something went wrong with my car, and I can't get it to turn on and and," you moved your hands through your hair frustrated at the whole situation, Ben letting out a small chuckle, before quickly trying to calm you down,

"hey, hey, hey, let me take a peek under the hood and then we can go from there okay?" You took a deep breath and nodded before exiting the car and popping your hood up. You leaned against the door as you watched him focus under the hood you could hear him humming softly. You couldn't quite place the song, but it was a sweet sound coming from him. His eyebrows reach for each other as he peaked his out from underneath the hood, "It's what I thought it was," he says letting out a soft sigh. The soft fabric of his sweater shifted, clinging closer to him. You looked into his eyes waiting for him to continue, "your battery is dead." You couldn't help but slouch into the door of the (literally) dead car. Ben came around to you and leaned next to you placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. You couldn't help but turn to him and rest your face on his chest crying softly. Ben wrapped his arms around you, one of them stroking your hair softly. "Hey, hey, hey C'mon it'll be alright." He moves a hand to your chin and lifts your face to his as he wipes away your tears with the others.

"I'm sorry, I'm so tired and I was just trying to get home and the GPS took me some weird way," Ben quickly cut you off saying,"There's no need for an apology. Do you want a ride? I can drive you into the town down the way, we can grab some food and get a tow truck. I can drive you home if you would like." He said, his hands shuffling themselves into his front pockets. You nodded softly as you both made your way towards his car. You entered on the passenger side and sat down, the seat welcoming you as your eyes softly closed.

As you slowly awake again you heard Ben singing again, a sweet song from some Broadway show. It was fun to hear the passion in his voice so you kept your eyes closed to enjoy the moment for a little while longer before opening them and yawning. "Hey sleepy head, you have the most perfect timing, we're just pulling into town," Ben greeted your sleepy eyes with his bright and excited for the rest of the night.

You smiled softly before speaking, "You can sing really well, I can tell you love it just from the way you sing." He looked at you, his cheeks covered with a slight pink tinge. He was embarrassed but you didn't know why. "Thanks again for driving me. You were like a knight in shining armor." A bright smile appeared on his face as he turned to you. He pulled the car into the parking space of a small diner and exited the car. Just as you were about to open your door, Ben beat you to it first. He stretched his hand to yours leading you both inside to a booth.

The two of you talked for hours before Ben drove you home. He walked you to the doorstep of your apartment. You two sat there for a moment before you hugged him goodbye. He sat for a moment as you opened the door. Once you made it inside Ben returned to his car. Once you returned to your apartment you shrugged your light coat off, removing your wallet, keys, and phone from the pockets. As you did so you felt a piece of paper in the pocket. As you unfolded it you realized Ben had slipped his phone number into your pocket. You typed up a quick message on your phone (which Ben thankfully charged while you were asleep) and got a reply within minutes. Before you knew it you two had soon hopped on a phone call and talked until you had fallen fast asleep.

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