An Explanation

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Hi guys, so, first of all, I want to wish everyone (who celebrates) a merry Christmas and also happy holidays to those who don't. 

  Secondly, I want to apologize. I feel awful that ever since people started actually reading what I wrote I've been so inactive. I've just been so tired from school and my home life. I just want all of you to know that I am genuinely trying my hardest, just right now is a really hard time. 

  I hope to be more active in the days to come,  and that I can hopefully overcome some of my writer's block as well. 

I also hope you are all enjoying this book and that if you have a request, you message me (or comment) and ask me to write it. I am always open to suggestions and it also gives me a little push to write and be productive on days I barely wanna move. 

Much love, 


Ben Tyler Cook ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now