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Everybody's eyes was focused on the couple dancing on the stage, the spotlight shone on them, only them.

"And again, may we see the romantic dance of the Prom King and Queen!" The emcee once again introduced the oh-so-famous couple.

Everybody, even the teachers, who supposedly warned kids who get too close with their partners, applauded, and even cheered for the couple. This made the couple flush in embarrassment.

But in the corner of the crowded venue, one unsuspecting girl, smiled weakly behind her masquerade mask, a weak chuckle followed after.

After the dance, everybody gathered up on the dance floor and started swaying their bodies to match the rhythm of the upbeat music, but amidst the fun, Yewon noticed something.

Yuna is missing, her Yuna.

She quickly slipped her fingers off of Yoongi's hand, causing the boy to look at her worriedly. "Is there  something wrong?" which Yewon shook her head to. "No, no, everything is fine, I just need to find my best that okay?" She asked the young man. 

Yoongi chuckled a bit, "Sure baby." He said, permitting her to find her girl- I mean her best friend.

She chucked her high heels and instead walked barefooted, she roamed the empty hallways of the school, the loud bass of the music was the only thing to be heard. She quietly passed by the sanctuary, but soon got back to it when she noticed a familiar silhouette.


"For you." The mint green haired boy said, handing the bouquet of flowers to the girl he recently adored, his famous smirk plastered on his face. The girl got flustered, not of the fluttering feeling, but of confusion and surprise. Her cheeks were flushed red, but she took the flowers nonetheless 

"What's this for?" she asked, observing and admiring how pretty the petals of her favorite flower, tulips, looked like. "It's for you, obviously." the boy said, in a somewhat sly manner, which made Yewon slightly uncomfortable. 

They stood in silence after his answer, waiting for someone, either one of them, to start the conversation again, but, fortunately, it ended there, as Yoongi's other friends came and called him to play basketball. They said their goodbye's to each other before walking the opposite ways.

As Yewon walked back to her dorm, she looked at the yellow, her favorite color, flowers, still admiring its color, but as she did, she imagined a certain person giving it to her, and honestly, the scene was much more perfect and fluttering for her.

The next few days, more tulips was given to her. It would be given to her personally by the mint-haired boy, or it would be taped on her locker door. 

She didn't deny the boy's efforts, because, admit it, flowers are so damn expensive, so she just went home with it and place it in a container. It made her dorm room brighter so she didn't complain.

"Will you answer him?" A sweet voice from asked her, she closed her book, remembering the page she was just reading. She faced the girl on her side, scrolling through her phone, and ogled at her side profile, not even discreetly. She just stared at her, forgetting the page of the book and the question.

"Will you answer him?" This time, Yuna too, faced the girl, her voice more firm than before. The sudden change in tone shook Yewon out of her thoughts.

"O-oh, yeah. I will, maybe tomorrow. It's been a month since he started giving me flowers, and I think that's good enough, I think it's also time for me to get someone." Yewon said, but her last statement was said in a more questioning manner, causing Yuna to raise her eyebrow. But Yewon flipped her book open, indicating she's reading again, so the red-haired girl didn't  question her further.

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