It's Gonna Be Okay

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Her hands started to shake, as well as her voice. Sowon closed her eyes and breathed deeply. She released a big sigh and spoke. But something kept her from speaking, so instead, she swallowed and nodded, ending the call right afterwards.

She looked at the black empty screen of her phone, little beads of tears streamed down her face. She inhaled, before breaking down into tears.

The girls all laughed as they walked down the hallway, sharing stories of how their day went. But each one of them became silent when they entered their apartment. 

They looked at each other before scurrying to their leader sitting on the couch, wrapped up in her own arms, her hair all over the place.

 The other girls went to the kitchen to prepare a soup for their leader, leaving the second oldest to handle their oldest.

Yerin plopped down beside the taller girl and hugged her, waiting patiently for the girl to speak and tell them what happened. 

At the sudden contact, Sowon burst into tears. She immediately reciprocated the hug, clutching into Yerin as hard as she can. 

Her tears wetted Yerin's shirt, but the latter didn't care, and instead allowed her unnie to cry on her shoulder. 

The other 4 girls carefully entered the living room, the two maknaes carrying a glass of water and a bowl of soup in their hands. They looked at the two, their hearts hurting at how their strong unnie, showed vulnerability and is currently crying her eyes out. They looked at Yerin, whose close to tears. She sadly looked at them. Seeing this, they sat beside the two and hugged the oldest.

Yerin held back her tears and went near to Sowon's ears. "It's okay unnie, just cry. You were always there for us, but for once, let us be the one you lean into. It's gonna be okay." She whispered to their beloved leader.

A/N: Okay, my writing is becoming rustier. My deepest condolence to Sowon's family. May her dad rest in peace. Let us keep on supporting and give love to our leader Sowon. 

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