Take Her To The Moon

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Yewon stared at the dark blue sky outside, on her side. She looked at the glowing moon, mesmerized by it's beauty. She lied on the bed, very still. The only thing that was heard was sound of the heart monitor, the sound of her heart beating slowly. When she suddenly heard the door creak open.

She slowly sat up, ignoring the pain in her back. The small beam of light from outside was enough to let her see who just came in. A small smile formed in her lips.

"Hey." That voice. The sweetest voice she has ever heard, and will ever hear. She closed her eyes and hummed a little when the unexpected visitor sat beside her.

She opened her eyes, and looked at her ex, her breath hitching. She knew it's been a while since their eyes last met, but she didn't know she'd miss her favorite pair of eyes this much up until now.

She looked as beautiful as ever. Her features more defined and matured, it made Yewon fall even more.

"Hey." She replied to red-haired girl. The other smiled at her reply.

"What are you doing here? The visiting hours are over." Yewon said. The girl just looked at her and plastered a smile on her face. "My uncle's one of the surgeon here, remember?" The girl playfully said.

Yewon would like to face palm herself, but because of her aching body, she just rolled her eyes. How could she forget, her ex, Choi Yuna, has a family full of doctors with hospitals all over Korea. 

Yewon swallowed the lump forming in her throat. The silence somewhat suffocating her. 

She wants to hold Yuna's hand, feel its' warmth against her cold ones, She'd like to feel how perfect it would be against her own, she'd like to feel these again, for the last time. But somehow, her hands stayed idle on her side.

"The moon looks beautiful, isn't it?" Yuna said, looking outside, instantaneously smiling. Yewon looked at her side profile, enthralled, as she has always been. 

"So beautiful." Yewon whispered back. Hearing her small voice, Yuna looked back at her, the smile disappearing. 

Another deafening silence.

She closed her eyes again, feeling it's heaviness. 

She felt eyes on her, observing, taking all of her in.

She opened her eyes and felt her knees go weak.

That pair of brown orbs, staring back at her, tears threatening to fall at any second. It made her head spin.

"Can I come closer?" She asked, her voice cracking. Yewon smiled sadly and nodded, something in her throat prevented her from speaking out. 

She carefully pulled out a notebook out of her back pack.

"What's that?" Yewon breathed out, Yuna smiled and opened it, revealing letters and pictures of them together.

Yewon traced the pictures, memories suddenly flooding back on her mind. She looked at Yuna, who's in tears.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked the other girl, tears slowly falling out from her eyes. "I told you to move on already, why now?" Yewon asked tearfully.Yuna looked down at her lap and held her sob back.

"I can't help it." She said, a hiccup made her pause. "Every time, I feel you coming back, back to me, even though I know that you never will. Not now, not ever." She said, a feeble sob escaping her dry lips.

She gathered all her strength and placed her palm against Yuna's cheeks, caressing and wiping the tears off of it. 

"I'm still here, Yuna-yah." She said, smiling sadly. Tears started to fall. Seeing her love in pain made her heart ache. "And I'd really like to stick around longer, but you know I can't." She said.

"So, set me free." Yewon finally said after much thought.

Yuna closed her eyes and bit her lip, out of frustration and sadness. 

"I can't Yewon, I can't." Her once sweet voice, now weak and small. Yewon smiled sadly. She slowly leaned closer and whispered to her ear. "You can." 

Yuna closed her eyes tightly. Yewon pecked her forehead.

"So before I say goodbye, would you do one last thing for me?" Yewon asked. Yuna opened her eyes, held Yewon's hand placed on her cheeks and stared at her glistening eyes.

"Be happy." She said, smiling brightly despite the tears falling from her eyes.

"Take her to the moon for me." Yewon said, looking at the necklace hung around Yuna's neck. She smiled. 

"Take her like you promised me." Yuna bit her lip as more tears streamed down her face.

"Say that you love her every time, just like how you told me the last time." 

"Please Yewon." Yuna said, wanting her first love to stop. It's hurting the both of them. But instead of stopping, Yewon continued, knowing it's the best for the both of them.

"No matter where you are, you'll always have my heart." Yewon said, her other hand on Yuna's chest, feeling the beat of her heart under her palm, "I'll love you from afar." she added, the smile since earlier, not leaving her lips.

"Someday I know we'll meet again." She said, looking at Yuna's hands and finally clasping it together with hers. She missed the warmth it made her feel, and it made her happy that she can feel it again.

"And up until then, I only wish you happiness." Yewon said, connecting their foreheads together. She smiled tearfully.

"So be happy." 

A/N: HELLO GAYS, it's been a while:( My writing sucks ass now, so please excuse that. I haven't had any inspiration in such a long time, I'm sorry for that. I'll still try my best to update this book. Thank you again. :)

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