Stolen Notebook

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Umji frustratingly sighed as she dumped the things out of her backpack. Her yellow notebook is missing. It's the only thing that her grandma gave her, it's one of the most special things in Umji's life. She can't loose it. Tears started to sting her eyes, but she didn't let them fall. Instead she held her eyes wide open and continued looking around. The classroom is almost empty except for the few students that stayed.

Her other notebooks piled on her table, she looked through her empty backpack and still found nothing. Losing hope, she placed her notebooks back to her backpack, but then, in the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of the familiar yellow cover. She whipped her head around to find Yerin, the resident bad girl, stuffing her notebook inside her bag with many other things. Umji gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. Great, her yellow notebook is in the hands of her worst enemy. Just great. She clenched her fists and watched Yerin put more things in her bag.

Umji discreetly glanced at Yerin's back as the latter walked away. She took her things and started to follow the bad girl.

She hid behind the locker as Yerin's friends started to walk towards her. They greeted each other and laughed for quite some time. Umji would've gave up if that notebook wasn't just the most precious thing for her. She sighed, relieved, as Yerin's friends started to go away. She went out of her hiding spot when Yerin started to walk, creating a big distance between the two of them.

Umji fooled her eyes on how she must've looked. She exactly look like a stalker as she peeks from behind a tree to see Yerin wait for the bus. She looked around, no one nearby. She slowly walked towards her. She sat beside Yerin who has her earphones in. Umji bit her nails as she thought of ways how to approach her.

Yerin saw the girl from earlier, sit beside her. She smiled as she saw her cute thinking face. "You've been following me since earlier, what do you want?" Yerin asked with her usual cold voice. Umji jumped out from her seat and tended up. "I uhh...I just, fuck." Umji cussed, feeling dumb for her stuttering. Yerin quirked her eyebrows up and stopped the music playing from her phone. She looked straight into Umji's eyes, sending chills to the latter. "What. Do. You. Want?" She asked once again, each word emphasized with her loud voice. Umji might've died then and there but she gathered courage and spoke up. " notebook. You accidentally placed it inside your bag." She said, fidgeting her fingers. She was proud of herself for not stuttering and mentally patted herself on the back. 'Cute.' Yerin thought as she looked at Umji shyly talking with her fingers fidgeting. "Can I please have it back?" Umji asked, her voice wavering. Yerin smirked. This is her chance. "I'll give it to you, in one condition." She said. Umji looked at her curiously. Yerin smiled.

"You go out with me."

Umji staggered a bit before looking at Yerin, incredulously. "W-what?" She asked, her eyes blinking, her brain still not processing what Yerin just said. The latter just smiled sweetly and stepped forward. Umji's eyes widened and stepped back. "I said what I meant." Yerin answered, Umji badly wanted to knock off that sweet smile on her face so bad. She gritted her teeth and glared at Yerin. "Just give me my notebook back." She said. Yerin shook her head and inched her face towards Umji. "What if i said I don't want too?" Yerin whispered, her hot breath tickling Umji's face. She closed her eyes, her cheeks getting red. Yerin smiled at how much she affect the shorter girl. "What will make you give it back to me?" Umji asked, fanning herself. Yerin grinned. "I said it already, go out with me." She said once again. "No, no. Is there any other way? I promise, I'll do anything just to get my notebook back." Umji begged, feeling pathetic. But before could reply, the bus arrived. Umji rolled her eyes as Yerin smiled and walked towards the bus. "There's no other way, Kim Yewon. You either date me or you don't. Think carefully if you still want to have your notebook back." Yerin said before riding the bus. Umji glared at the bus. "I hate you, Jung Yerin." She said. Yerin peeked out of the bus window and gave Umji a flying kiss accompanied by a wink. "Love you too, Kim Yewon." She teased the fuming Umji. 

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