Happy Ever After

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The sigh that escaped her lips didn't go unnoticed by her best friend. Eunha looked at her worriedly, putting a hand on her back. "Hey, what's the matter?" She asked. Yuju just smiled and shook her head. "Nothing...it's nothing." She said, but Eunha knows her too well to believe her foolish lie. She chuckled. "Come on. I know you're lying." She said, rubbing Yuju's back. She smiled. "I can't ever lie to you, you know me well, Eunha-yah." She said, sighing for the nth time that day. "Just tell me, what's bothering you?" She asked, concern painted her face. Yuju looked down at her feet as she fidgeted with her hands. "It's just...it's so stupid." She explained, but the only thing she got in return was a raised eyebrow. "Okay, okay. I've been worried, Yerin hasn't shown up yet. It's our anniversary. I'm...maybe she forgot or what. Il sorry, I know it pathetic." "Oh Jesus, you and I know that Yerin won't ever forget your anniversary. Ever since you got together she's been surprising you with cute stuff. Don't worry dear, maybe she's just preparing a surprise, so cheer up." Eunha said, smiling brightly at her best friend, which made Yuju light up a bit. "Your right. Maybe I'm just being paranoid." Yuju said, whispering the last part to herself. She gathered her books from her locker when Sana, Eunha's lover, arrived. "I'll go now. I'll see you later, okay?" Eunha reminded Yuju, smiling one last time before they went to their respective rooms. Yuju smiled at them while they walked, they're so cute. But at the same time she wants to puke by how clingy the two are with each other. She then closed her lockers, revealing a smiling Yerin, looking at her with a rose in her hand. "For you, beautiful." She said, handing the pretty rose to Yuju, who blushed at the action. "Happy Anniversary, babe." Yerin greeted. Yuju can't help but admire her. She immediately  hugged the girl tightly, almost sending both of them to the floor. Yerin laughed at her girlfriends reaction and rested her head on top of Yuju's head. Their sweet moment was ruined by the hall monitor, asking them to go to their classes. They smiled as they slowly let go each others' hand, going to their rooms.

Yuju dragged her tired body as she walked to their dorm. Yerin decided to disappear during lunch, leaving her to be a third wheel in their table, beside the gayest couple in the campus. Once she blindly inserted the key to the door, she opened it and didn't even bother to turn on the lights as she sat down the couch. And she was surprised when it suddenly got bright. Then Yerin was in front of her, smiling like a fool. Yuju glared at her. "S-sorry?" Yerin apologized, tilting her head to the side like a puppy, it made Yuju coo. "You left me there, alone with the girls. You know I hate it when they act clingy and stuff." She whined, pouting and sinking down her seat. "I'm really sorry, babe." She said, and slowly brought her arms out from her back. "Surprise?" Yerin exclaimed, holding a puppy. Yuju's eyes began to sparkle. "Oh my god, it's a puppy." She said, taking the furry creature from Yerins' hands and bringing it to her lap. "Where did you get it." Yuju asked as she petted the head of the puppy, letting it lick her hands. Yerin smiled and brought her hand to the back of her neck. "Eh, from the nearby pet store." She explained, sitting beside her girlfriend, ogling at her adorable lover. Yuju looked at her in surprise and in disbelief. "You do know that the nearest pet is like in the next town." She said, surprised that Yerin would go this far to just make her happy. It made her heart flutter. "Well, you've always said that you would like a puppy, that's why I bought one." Yerin confessed. Yuju smiled and kissed Yerin, pushing her to lay down the couch. "Thank you." She whispered, looking straight into her hazel brown eyes, caressing Yerin's soft cheeks. She smiled and continued to kiss her. The kiss then turned into something more...steamy.

They held hands as they walked with their dog, Echo. They looked at the stars above them, smiling. Yuju wished that this would last long. If she only knew, she should've cherished it.

Yuju sat on the couch, her head hung low. Her hair fell around her like a curtain, covering her face. Then suddenly, Yerin barged in, looking drunk, high, Yuju doesn't know. She's been like this for a while. Yuju sighed, got up and dragged the body of Yerin to the couch. She took a bowl and filled it with water, she also took a towel from the bathroom before going to Yerin. She soaked the towel in the water and squeezed it afterwards. She placed it on Yerins' forehead and watched the rise and fall of her chest.

Yuju looked at her surroundings. Broken glasses, broken plates everywhere. She looked at Yerin, sitting in the corner, head in between her hands. She sighed and wiped her tears away. She walked towards Yerin and held her face. She wiped and kissed the tears away. She smiled. "It's okay babe." She said, trying her hardest to understand. Yerin nodded and hugged Yuju, she hugged back, holding on to her tighter.

Yuju sat on the couch, their couch, emotionless. She looked up and found Yerin sitting on the coffee table. Her tears finally came down, but her eyes remained cold. She looked at Echo, sitting beside her and smiled. She petted his head. Yerin stood up. She stood up too, standing face to face with her crying lover. Yerin smiled even with tears falling from her eyes. She held Yuju's face, caressing her cheeks as she closed her eyes. Yuju held her hands, it felt warm against her cold ones. She wiped her own tears. "I'm sorry." Yerin said, as she cried more. Yuju just smiled. She understands. "It's okay, I'm okay. I understand." She said, wiping Yerins' tears away. Yerin leaned in and kissed her, putting all of her love in it, as it is the last time. "Thank you. For everything. I love you." Yerin said, letting her hands fall to her sides. "Thank you. I love you." She said, watching Yerin as she walked out of the door.


Yerin smiled as she saw her enter the coffee shop. It's been a while, and yet she looks as beautiful as ever. She stood up and welcomed her first love into her arms. She smiled. "Hi Yuna." She greets the girl who smiled back. "Hi Yerin." She greeted back. They sat down and catches up. They were talking when two girls walked in. Yerin and Yuju waved at them. The two new comers went to the table and sat, one beside Yuju and the other beside Yerin. "You two know each other?" Yerin asked. The girl beside her nodded. "Of course babe, we go to same school." Her girlfriend, Joy, said. "Oh okay then." Yerin replied. "As you two know each other, then there's no need for introduction." She added, looking at both of Yuju and her fiancée, Sowon.

"So you two are exes?" Joy said, squinting her eyes. Yuju and Yerin laughed. "Yes babe, actually, she's my favorite girlfriend." Yerin said, knowing that the ever so jealous Joy would get, well, jealous. Which she did. She glared at Yerin and slapped her shoulder. "Owww, that hurts." She complained, rubbing her shoulder. The other couple laughed. Yerin smiled and held Joys' hands, intertwine it with hers. "She could be my favorite girlfriend-" she said, earning another slap from Joy. "-but I won't change anything, after all, this is our happy ever after."

A/N: Okay another crap, I'm really sorry. Sorry for the grammar mistakes and errors. And thank you, I would also appreciate if you would leave suggestions, comments and maybe requests? Yeah, thank you again, byeeee.

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