The Hurting (Yewon's POV)

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I bowed my head down when I saw you with someone else. Laughing, smiling. Love can be seen in your eyes. I know because that's how you looked at me when we were still together. The dull pain in my heart will forever be there, haunting and gnawing at me. You're my first and only love, my first and most painful heartbreak. You are always my priority and I smiled bitterly remembering that I was only your option. I looked back up and  saw my favorite smile plastered on your face. I smiled too, happy that you're happy. But it soon turned into a frown when I saw you kiss her. I can clearly hear my heart shattering into pieces. Then I decided to talk to you. I walked towards the two of you with heavy footsteps and a sad smile on my face. "Hey." I greeted. The girl waved at me and I waved back, but without much enthusiasm as she had. I looked straight into your eyes. But instead of the warm brown orbs that I always loved, I saw an icy glare piercing right into my soul. "Come on." You said and dragged the girl beside you away. With every step you make, tears drop and slide down my cheeks. At this time, I'm pretty sure that my heart is completely broken, just because of someone that I love. You.

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