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"From the beginning." SinB instructed, wiping her forehead. The other members caught their breaths and nodded, starting from the intro of their song. "1...2, Yuju your arm should be like this." She reprimanded, showing how the dance step should be properly done. Yuju nodded, not minding the scolding as it's the best for them. They continued like this until the morning. They sprawled down the floor, sweat covering their whole body. Sowon stood up from her position and took towels for all the members. "Hey SinB-yah, can you just stop practicing for a second and rest? Your whole body is covered in so much sweat." The youngest said. But she was only ignored as SinB continued practicing, trying her best in perfecting each move. All of them looked at each other and sighed. Sowon bit her nails as she looked at her girlfriend, worried as hell.

"Are you sure you'd be okay here unnie? SinB could be a pain in the butt especially when she does practice." Yerin asked, afraid that their leader would soon bail out in taking care of SinB. Sowon chuckled and patted her back. "Of course I'll be. Don't worry about me. Now go and rest, you need it for tomorrow." She said, plastering a motherly smile messing each of their hair. The girls smiled at how caring their leader is and they can't help but worry as they saw SinB practicing harder than ever. "Bye unnie." They chorused, smiling as they went to their dorm.

"SinB, can you sto-" She couldn't even finish her sentence when a loud snore cut her off. There laid SinB, on the floor, covered in sweat. Sowon sighed worriedly and walked towards SinB. She carried her and walked back to the dorms.

Sowon knocked quietly, managing not to let SinB fall. "Huh? Sowon unnie?" Umji asked, surprised. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. She opened the door and welcomed the tall woman. "What happened?" Umji asked, concerned. She took the pillows out from the couch and placed it on one side. Sowon mouthed a thank you and laid SinB down. She breathed out a puff of air as she looked at the sleeping figures' face. "She fell asleep, that's why I carried her." Sowon explained, wiping SinB's face and tucking the hair strands away. She smiled and looked at Umji. "You can sleep now, I'll take care of her." Sowon said, at which Umji nodded at and went to her shared room with SinB. Sowon sighed and looked at Sinb's serene face. "I hope you take care of yourself." She whispered. She took a blanket and placed it on top of SinB's body and kissed her goodnight.

Sowon woke up with the sound of her alarm clock. She got up from her bed and found that Yerin already woke up. She yawned and stretched as she went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Then she went to the kitchen where the members are eating and talking to each other happily. But she noticed that one member is missing. "Hey where's SinB?" Sowon asked, taking a spoon of the fried rice and eating it. 'Damn, this is delicious.' "Who cooked this? It's good" She asked, still eating more of the dish. Umji proudly raised her arm up. "Me!" She exclaimed, proud that their leader found it yummy. "Anyways, where's SinB again?" She asked, still devouring the rice. "Ugh, che wench chu practiche." Eunha said, mouth full of food, making her look like a rabbit. Yerin pinched her cheeks as she squealed. "You are so cuuuuute." She said, continuing to pinch Eunha's reddening cheeks. Sowon shook her head. "Hey unnie, where you going?" Yuju asked, as she exited the kitchen. "The dance room. And can you pack up a lunch?" She asked Yuju, who nodded and rushed to make a packed lunch. Sowon wore a jacket and her favorite shoes as Yuju brought the packed lunch to her. Sowon smiled and took it. "Here unnie. Take care." Yuju said, waving goodbye as Sowon walked outside.

She went towards the dance room, already hearing the music even from a mile. She carefully opened the door, revealing SinB, whose, again, practicing her herdest. Sowon closed the door behind her and watched her girlfriend. SinB executed each dance move perfectly, flawlessly, and yet it isn't enough for the dancer. SinB sighed in frustration. "Again." She whispered to herself as she stood at the starting position, but Sowon intervened and turned the stereo off, cutting the music. Ever since she arrived, SinB only just noticed her. She widened her eyes in surprise as she looked at her unnie. "Here I brought lunch for you." Sowon said coldly, placing the lunch on one of the plastic tables situated in the corner of the room. "T-thanks, unnie." SinB said, bowing. Sowon nodded. She slightly fidgeted in her position. Her cold facade slowly fading away. "N-now I'll be going, I...I have a schedule with manager o-oppa." Sowon said, a contemplating look on her face. She turned her back to SinB and was ready to walk out when she looked back. She took a step towards SinB and placed a kiss in her lips, then her forehead. She looked at her in the eyes. "Take care and eat your lunch." Sowon said, her cheeks turning bright red. She quickly walked to the doors, opened it and walked out. But before she can go any farther, she shouted, "or else, I'll be the one to feed you." making sure that SinB would hear it.

Sowon sighed, tired from their schedule. She wants to sleep. "Thanks manager-oppa." She said, bowing in gratefulness. She walked to their dorm when she saw the dance room still blasting songs. She opened the door and yet again, there's SinB, on the floor, sleeping. She went towards SinB and noticed the untouched lunch from earlier. She sighed. She was angry and frustrated of course but she couldn't let that be the best of her, her girlfriend needs her. She carried her again for the 6th time this week. SinB's body was burning so she quickly went to their dorm.

She placed SinB on her bed, waking Umji up in the process. "Huh? What happened again, unnie?" She asked, getting out of her bed. "SinB's having a fever. Could you get a bowl of water and towel, Umji-yah?" Sowon asked, taking SinB's shirt off, trying to let her body cool it self. Umji nodded and took the following things Sowon asked her to get. She got back to their bedroom with the things on her hand. "Can you sleep on our room, just for now?" Sowon asked Umji, who nodded, not really minding sharing a bedroom with her Yerin unnie. "Thank you." Sowon said, proceeding in taking the wet towel, putting it on SinB's forehead and wiped it to her body as well.

Sowon woke up, SinB still sleeping beside her. She checked her forehead and neck, relieved that her temperature came down at during her sleep. She got up and went to the kitchen. She prepared the breakfast for the members, as she was the first one to wake up. But she prepared a soup for the sick SinB. And when every body woke up, she took the soup to their room. She gently shook SinB. "Babe." Trying to wake SinB up, who eventually woke up, annoyed that her sleep was disturbed. Sowon glared at her. "Don't give me that look. It's your fault that you got sick." She said, placing the spoon in front of SinB's mouth. "Since you didn't follow what I told you yesterday, you now need to do what I tell you to do. So eat." She said, feeding SinB, who grumbled but ate the soup nonetheless. They stayed like this, Sowon feeding SinB with SinB being all grumpy and stuff, until the last drop of soup was finished. "Now, you need to eat properly, or I'll be forced again to feed you." Sowon said, still glaring at SinB. She kissed her and went to the kitchen. SinB smiled, her girlfriend might have a cold facade, but she's the sweetest person she knows.

SinB sighed as she eats the sandwich Sowon made. Her girlfriend was watching her from the end corner of the dance room and she doesn't want to disappoint her, so she finished her sandwich before practicing again. Sowon smiled proudly, satisfied that her girlfriend ate something. This continued, Sowon watching SinB eat just to make sure she really eats and finish her food, if she doesn't, well...


A/N: So this chapter is dedicated to @ninib36 I'm sorry if it doesn't meet any of your expectations. Sorry too for the grammar mistakes and errors. Thanks again, and request more, I'll try my best to do it. Byeeeee

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