Don't Wake Me Up

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"Baaaaaabbbeeeee!!!!" Somebody yelled, it was heard all throughout the whole dorm. "Yeeessss?!" Sinb replied back, busy going through her closet for the perfect clothes to wear. Umji then rushed to their shared bedroom. "What should I wear?" She held a floral dress on her right hand and a leather skirt with floral top on the other. Sinb contemplated for a while. "The floral one." She said, grabbing her own outfit, a denim jacket and white shirt paired with ripped jeans. "Thank yoouu." Umji said, kissing her cheeks. Sinb shook her head at her girlfriends' antics. 

Spraying her perfume, she looked at herself on the mirror, she fixed her hair and folded the sleeve of her jacket. Once satisfied, she smiled and grabbed her keys, she then walked downstairs to prepare the food basket for their date. After putting the food inside the said basket, she looked at her wrist watch. "Babe! You done yet?" She yelled, getting the blanket sitting on top of the couch. "Yess! Just wait for a little while." Came the reply. She smiled and headed to the car while humming their favorite song. She went back inside to be stunned. There stood Umji, in Sinb's favorite dress. Her mouth was wide open. "W-wow." She exclaimed. Umji just stood there with crimson red cheeks. "Do you like it? I decided to change, since I remembered this is your favorite dress." Umji said, with her hands fidgeting, but Sinb noticed the small smile painted on her face. She smiled too and extended her hand out. "Let's go?" She asked, with this charming smile of her, which made Umji fall in love all over again. She nodded and took Sinb's hand.

Singing along to the song playing in the radio, Umji looked outside of the window, enjoying the breeze. She jumped out of shock when a hand reached her hand. She looked at Sinb, smiling widely. She smiled too and entwined their fingers together. Her heart would flutter whenever Sinb would brush her thumb on her fingers. 

"We're here." Sinb called, looking at their hands then looked at Umji's serene face. "Let's go." She said, but didn't let go of Sinb's hand, Sinb just chukled. "Babe, let go of my hand, we can't go anywhere if you don't." She said, with a teasing grin, causing Umji to blush and let go of her hands. Sinb got out of the car and opened Umji's door. She held her hand out and bowed down like a prince. "After you M'lady." She teased again. Having enough with her teasing, Umji hit Sinb's arm. "Stop that, my cheeks are hot already." "Well, you're definitely hot." Umji glared at Sinb's retort. But Sinb didn't mind that icy glare for her, instead she reached for Umji's hand and tightly held it. She kissed her cheeks. "Don't be mad, love. I was just teasing you." Sinb said, causing Umji's cheeks to heat up again.

They started walking, with the food basket on Sinb's hand. Once they found a spot, they lay out the large blanket they brought with them. Laying down, Umji brought out her favorite book and started reading. Not having her girlfriends' attention, Sinb decided to lay on Umji's lap. Umji smiled down at her and caressed her hair. Sinb fluttered her eyes closed and enjoyed the feeling.

"Babe." Umji called out. Sinb slowly opened her eyes, and got blinded by the sunlight. She stretched and  yawned. Umji smiled lovingly at her girlfriend. "How many minutes was I asleep?" Sinb asked. Thinking of this good opportunity, Umji decided to tease her back. "You were asleep for 2 hours. I already returned to the house a couple of times." She said, looking at her book to prevent herself from laughing. Sinb knowing her girlfriends' plot of revenge, decided to go with the flow. "What???" She yelled, but the smirk on her face never left. Umji, hearing her girlfriends' reply decided to spill out the truth, looking at Sinb, but was met with a smug smile. Sinb crawled to her. If not for the current situation, Umji would get hot and bothered by the smoldering look Sinb is giving her. She decided to back away, but her back met with the hard tree. She hid her face between her hands when she felt Sinb's hot breath near her ears. "You're not good in lying, honey." Her face was beet red from the endearment and teasing. Sinb looked at her red ears, backed away and laughed loudly, holding her stomach. Umji stared at her and tackled her to the ground. A loud groan could be heard. "Oww." Sinb said, looking like she's in pain. But she still continued laughing, with tears of joy ready to come out of her eyes. Then she stopped.

Sinb caressed Umji's cheeks. "You're beautiful." She said, causing Umji to blush again. Sinb smiled and got her polaroid camera. She took a picture of the beautiful masterpiece on top of her. Getting shy, she nestled her head on the crook of Sinb's neck and hugged her tightly. Sinb was enveloped by her favorite scent. She kissed the head of Umji and hugged her tight. "This feels like a dream, if it is, I hope I don't wake up." She whispered to Umji's ear.

"Sinb! Wake up." She fluttered her eyes open. She scratched her eyes and adjusted to the light coming from the window. She looked at her mother, wearing a black dress. "Why are you here Mom? What is it?" She asked, feeling her heart beat fast. She can see tear streak on her mothers' face. "C'mon, change now, we'll go already." Her mother just plainly said, she looked at her, confusion plastered all over her face. "W-what?" But before she can properly ask her mother, she already got out her bedroom. She looked at her left side and found no one. "Huh? Where's Yewon?" She asked herself. She looked at the bathroom and found the light turned off, she shrugged and ignored it. 'Maybe she went somewhere.' She thought. She took a quick bath and got herself dressed, the usual black. After, she took Umji's gift to her, a book. But something slipped out from one of it's page. It's a polaroid picture, a picture of Umji. She felt something stab her heart. 

"Mom, where will we go?!" She yelled, still finding Yewon, in the kitchen, in the backyard. "What are you looking for?" Yerin, her friend, asked. "Come on, we'll be late for the funeral." Hearing the word, she looked at Yerin's face. Her red eyes and tear stain on her cheeks. "H-huh? What funeral?" She asked, but her heart is already aching. Deep down she knew why and for who, but she need a confirmation. Tears already started to run down her cheeks. Yerin hugged her. "We need to go to Yewon's funeral, come on." And there's her heart, shattering. She can't help but sob. Her tears wetting Yerin's shirt. Hearing the sob, the others joined them. With tear stained cheeks and red eyes, they all hugged Sinb, who's suffering the most. She did not only lose her best friend, she lost her soul mate, the love of her life. "Why did you wake me up?" She thought to herself while staring at Umji's picture. It was a picture of her on top of Sinb, blushing and smiling brightly.

Sorry if it's bad, this was rushed. I decided to make another one-shot cause why not? Give out suggestions and other stuff below, I would really appreciate it. Thanks again, and I'm oouutt.

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