Silent Love

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Yuju was sitting peacefully inside a train, reading a book when someone sat infront of her. She looked up and saw the most beautiful woman ever. She looked back down at her book to hide her blush. She searched for her drawing pad and doodled.

As days went by, Yuju became accustomed to the girl sitting on in front of her. But on occasional times, she can't help but admire the girls' features. Her porcelain skin that she can't help but touch, if she can, her cute and chubby cheeks. And her warm brown eyes that can pull you in, deep. And that's what happened to Yuju, she fell in, too deep.

Yuju looked at her watch and found out that the girl is late, she hasn't arrived yet. She looked outside and found nothing, she looked at the back and found the girl running to get to her seat, so she quickly fishes her drawing pad from her jacket pocket and started drawing. 

She saw the girl sit from her peripheral vision and her jaw dropped. The girl is wearing a black top with flowers as design and a black pleated leather skirt. She's so beautiful, Yuju thought. She gawked at the girl but she didn't made it obvious and continued drawing. As she was drawing, someone sat beside the girl but Yuju paid it no mind. She looked at the girl and she looked troubled as she saw her look at her phone. The girl spoke for the first time, and for Yuju, her voice sounded like angels singing a lullaby.

"Miss, can I borrow your phone? My phone died, I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you. I promise it's just for a few seconds." She said, and Yuju blushed. She got her phone from her bag, but before she could give it to the girl, the guy sitting beside her already let her borrow his phone. Disappointed, Yuju returned her phone inside her bag and continued to draw, repeatedly glancing at the girl, whose conversing on the phone.

The girl looked on the unoccupied seat, the girl with a pretty smile is still not there. She looked at her watch and waited impatiently. A few seconds later, a couple came in and sat in front of her. She looked upset by the couples' sudden arrival, but she hid it with a lovely smile. She again checked her watch.

At that time, Yuju kept ruffling her hair, trying to get her bangs right. Once she thought it looked good, she removed her glasses and stared at her self through the mirror. She hesitated for a bit and returned the glasses, but she decided to remove it again. She smiled, satisfied at how she looked and went out of the bathroom stall. She scurried throughout the train to find her usual seat and found it occupied by a couple, she looked at the girl. They met each others eyes, the girl smiled. Yuju just bowed her head and proceeded to sit beside her. The girl can't help but blush by the sudden arrival of her secret crush.

They sat next to each other in complete silence. The couple in front of them could feel the awkwardness between the two. They could see the girls' admiration to each other, but just too shy to admit, so they just chuckled at their situation.

Yuju sighed as she began to collect courage. She pulled out the doodle pad from her bag. In her peripheral view, she saw the girl look at her with curiosity. She sighed and handed the doodle pad to the girl. She flipped it, showing what was drawn inside. The drawing showed the process of how they met.

Umji got flustered by the sudden question from the final page. "Will you go on a date with me?" It said, she nodded and looked at Yuju and held her hand out. "I'm Yewon, you can call me Umji." She said, smiling cutely. Yuju melted at the sight. She pointed at her mouth, signalling that she's mute. "I'm Yuna, and you can call me Yuju. I hope you don't mind that I'm mute." She wrote on the pad. She looked down, embarrassed. Umji just smiled. "I'm okay with that. So when will this date be?" Umji asked, smiling. Yuju returned the smile.

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