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The sun was shining ever so brightly, the birds was chirping happily sitting atop of trees. Even in a calm weather, a brewing storm, was to be seen inside an apartment.

"Kim Yewon!" A short woman with shoulder length hair shouted from the kitchen. Umji flinched as she climbed out of bed. Rubbing her eyes and stretching her sore muscles out, she then carefully went downstairs. Padding down the stairs, she peeked through the kitchen to see her girlfriend, Eunha, rummaging the cabinets, clearly looking frustrated. She then looked down her feet as she arrived at the kitchen. She didn't dare look up to meet Eunha's glare, instead, she fidgeted with her hands. "Did you eat the oranges last night?" Eunha asked menacingly. Her arms crossed in front of her chest. Umji bit her lip. "Y-yes babe." She said, stuttering. "You know they were mine, why did you do that?" Eunha said, breaking into tears. Umji looked at her, panicked. She hugged her, patting her head. "Don't worry, I'll buy some." She soothed Eunha. Wiping her tears away, Eunha smiled at her girlfriend. "Okay." She said, and literally skipped to the living room. Umji sighed. She looked at her attire, she's still in pajamas. She sighed again and grabbed her keys.

She looked between the two chocolate bars on her hands, contemplating hard. After a long debate, she took five for each one. She then grabbed three tubs of ice cream, vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. After, she checked for candies, gummy worms and gummy bears to be exact, finding Eunha's favorite, she took five packets. She looked through the chips section and found the ones Eunha always asked for. Then, she took a liter of their favorite soda, making it two. Finally, she looked through the pads section, she took five packs of pads and five packs of tampons. She sighed, again as she reached the cashier. "Is this all ma'am?" The cashier asked, looking at her and visibly checking her out. Umji didn't care, she remembered the oranges. "Wait a minute." She said and hurriedly went to the fruits section. She picked up three dozens of oranges and brought it again to the cashier. "Monthly cycle huh?" The cashier asked, trying to converse with the uninterested Umji. "Yeah, my girlfriends' to be exact." Umji said, and that made the cashier shut up. "That'll be 45.70 dollars ma'am." The cashier said, Umji nodded and took her wallet from her pj's pocket. "Here. Keep the change." Umji said, and quickly grabbed the plastic bag.

She drove a bit more before she went to a McDonald's drive through. "Uhm, do you sell a bucket of fries?" Umji asked through the intercom. "I'm sorry ma'am, but we don't." The worker said, Umji kept mum for a second then sighed, again. "Okay, can I have 15 large fries then? Then 2 large coke float." She said. "Is that all ma'am." "Uh, can I also have a bucket? Just the bucket, with one chicken. I just need something to put the fries into." She added, biting on her nails. "Of course ma'am." The worker said, making Umji smile.

Receiving her order, she parked on the parking lot and dumped each fries out to the bucket with a piece of chicken on top. Pleased with her work, she headed to her next destination.

Arriving at their favorite pizza parlor, she exited the car. Made sure the car was locked and the food is safe, she went to the said parlor. "Hey, unnie." She greeted her friend, Sowon. "What got you here so early, kiddo?" Sowon asked, cleaning of the cashier register. "You know, my girlfriends' monthly cycle. And please don't call me kiddo, it's very weird." Umji replied. "One pepperoni pizza and one ham & bacon. Got it." Sowon said, winking at her and went to the back kitchen. Umji tapped her fingers on the tiled counter as she waited for the pizza. "Here." Sowon said, presenting the pizza. "Thanks." Umji said, leaving a two 20 dollar bills on the counter. "Aish that kid." Sowon whispered to herself, flicking the dollar bills in between her fingers.

Umji securely put the pizza on the backseat, putting a seatbelt around it just to make sure. She drove slowly as she's scared to ruin the pizza, but drove fast enough not to make Eunha wait more.

After her mini shopping trip, she strategically got the food out, only wanting to do one trip. She bit her lips hard as she turned the knob, the sodas were slowly falling out of the bag. Fortunately, she successfully went to the kitchen without making a mess. She found Eunha bundled up like a burrito on the couch, watching spongebob so she just smiled and decided not to bother her. Instead she prepared the food.

She laid the food down the coffee table. "Did you buy oranges?" Eunha asked cutely, her face squished due to the blanket surrounding her head. Umji' heart bursted out of joy, her girlfriend's just too cute, she can't. "Of course, baby. Wait." She stood up again and went to the kitchen, fetching the oranges. She peeled one and handed it to Eunha. "Can you make a fort, babe?" Eunha asked, looking like a cute bunny with her cheeks full of oranges. Umji laughed and stood up again. She went upstairs and gathered their blankets and pillows. She carefully got down the stairs and got the equipments she would use to make a fort.

She placed the coffee table with the food, on the side. She grabbed two chairs from the dinner table and placed one at one side of the couch, then the other at the opposite side. She then laid out the blanket, draping each end to the two chairs and draping the back part to the couch. She took some magazines and placed it to the chairs, weighing the blanket down. She set up the makeshift bed on the floor, laying down a big blanket and surrounding it with pillows. Eunha just stood there, staring lovingly at her girlfriend. Umji moved the coffee table just in front of the 'bed' to accommodate the food easily. She spread her arms out, asking out for a hug. Eunha padded to her, still wrapped around a blanket like a burrito. Umji catches Eunha as she plopped down her arms. Umji just laughed as she kissed Eunha, which got her surprised. She licked her lips and smiled. "Can you peel me another orange?" Eunha asked, doing the puppy eyes. Umji sighed the nth time that day. She just can't with her cute ass girlfriend. She's so whipped. After peeling one, she fed a piece of orange to Eunha. Getting playful, she kissed Umji, orange still on her mouth. Umji' eyes widened, but it soon closed, savoring the sweet kiss. They pulled away and stared at each others' eyes. Then Eunha smiled. "I really like oranges."

A/N: I'm really sorry if this was crap and has a lot of grammatical mistakes, I just made this at 1 am in the morning so please forgive me, I still hope you like it tho. Byee

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