{80} - My Life Has Been Saved

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I'm seeing Arctic Monkeys tonight this is totally irrelevant to the story but I just wanted you guys to know I'm the happiest woman alive right now

The next morning

The dawn was shining its first rays when Roger awoke in the presidential suite within one of his hotels. His sky-blue eyes immediately focused downward on Belle, who was asleep next to him. Her movements during the night shifted her from his warm embrace, but in turn, offered him a beautiful view. Her naked body was partially covered by a silky sheet, perfectly drawing out her curves underneath. Her long, light blonde was spread along her shoulder and down her back; the morning light causing her skin to faintly glow.

She was gorgeous. Nearly divine.

Roger was so lucky to have her. His eyes paused in their trek down her body to her left hand — specifically the two rings around her finger, stared at her wedding ring. His wife, she was his wife. His mind was still attempting to fathom the fact even now, as it was still so difficult for him to believe. How she had said yes to him, without hesitation, with the same lovely and beautiful voice that had said "I do" to him.

Roger was still lost in his thoughts when Belle woke up with a little yawn. She turned to face him with a content smile.

"Good morning, my dear husband," she said with a low voice.

"Good morning, my beautiful wife."

"Wife..," Belle repeated with a slight frown. "It will take sometime to get used to that."

"In that case, I will say it as much as I can," he assured, taking her in his arms.

"We gotta get out of bed... for our honeymoon, remember? My plane is leaving soon." Their honeymoon was cut short down to one week due to Belle's job.

"I can't wait to see where you're taking me," Belle's eyes sparkled.


Thirteen hours later

A gentle shove was felt against Belle's shoulder as her eyes fluttered open. The tremble of the airplane had rocked her to sleep for the flight to your destination. Trying to adjust her eyesight to the bright light that seeped from the window, she blinked a few times to see Roger looking down to her.

"Hi, baby." Belle smiled as Roger caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers.

"Good morning," Roger said before pointing his finger towards the window. "We're landing soon. You can see the island," Roger softly spoke as Belle's eyes widened, instantly lifting herself and nearly climbing over him just to look out the window, trying to recognise the island.

Hearing the light chuckle coming from her husband, Belle looked over at him momentarily with a confused gaze. "These are some beautiful crystal blue waters, but I still don't know where we are."

Roger leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to her lips, Belle looked back out the window and saw the crystal blue waters. "It's so beautiful!", she beamed, only to feel Roger wrap his arm around her and place her back into her seat before pointing up.

Lifting her focus and seeing the blue light presenting the seatbelt symbol, she sighed at the sound and clicked the belt back into place. Looking over at her and seeing her struggle to look out the window, Roger leaned in and kissed her. "It's Mauritius."

"What?", Belle exclaimed loudly with delight. "Roger, this is the place I've always wanted to visit!".

"Yeah, I know," Roger smiled a confident smile. "That's why I brought you here."

If I CouldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz