{46} - Heaven For Everyone

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One month later

Freddie Mercury wakes up at 8 AM not because he wants to, but because his daughter has moved the curtains a little bit as a way to pacifically wake him up. Joe Newton died just two weeks after informing Freddie and Belle about his illness, which was such an extreme fact considering that his life span was expected to be six months. Freddie remembers when Joe died. They had talked about the weather and their favourite TV show that day. After their talk, Joe fell asleep, looking very peaceful. Every time the steady rhythm of the heart monitor pierced through the room, it gave Freddie hope, reassuring him that Joe was still there, alive. But he also remembers how a long flat sound penetrated his ears, with no breaks in between the beeps. The heart monitor had flatlined.

Everything that happened after that day was simply painful, painful, painful; from his funeral to spending the first days without him, spending days without talking to Joe not because they had an argument or because they had broken up just to get back a few weeks later, Freddie wished it was as simple as that, because he actually would never see or talk to Joe Newton ever again for the rest of his life. His heart ached so much and his shoulders started to shake uncontrollably whenever he thought about his boyfriend's death, and that's why Belle had decided to visit him every morning to make sure he was alright, to cook for him and make sure he was eating well. She wanted to give her father the support he needed. Even Mary had offered her help.

But Freddie's low spirits were not the only thing that were keeping Belle up at night. She and Rami were still working on the entire John—Daisy case, and they finally knew who Elizabeth Smith was, and whether she was alive or dead. Matter of fact, Elizabeth Smith is dead. She was an African-American woman, born in Chicago and raised in London, who had met John while studying Psychology in the same college as him. Their relationship had been short but sweet, that's why John was utterly confused when she broke up with him, dropped out of college and moved to God knows where all of a sudden. Rami had hired a very skilled private investigator who had helped them contact Elizabeth Smith's cousin, who told the story about why Elizabeth had given her daughter up for adoption. She simply wasn't ready to become a mother, and she assumed John wouldn't want to take responsability since Elizabeth was the daughter of a single mother herself. Her mother was furious at her, making Elizabeth move to Bristol, where Daisy was born. She died seven years after giving birth to her daughter in an accidental fire. Understandably, John and Daisy were completely shocked to find out about their potential kinship, and they both agreed to have a DNA test performed. Every single minute that passed until the day of the test results felt like a million years each, but that long-awaited day was here now and John, Brian and Belle were waiting for Rami and Daisy to arrive with the test results, the atmosphere was incredibly tense.

"What would happen if Daisy isn't my daughter?", John asked with a shaky and distraught voice, his chest constricting for the thousandth time that day. "How will I find her? Will I ever find her?".

"John, we still don't know what the DNA results are, and if Daisy isn't your daughter, we'll keep on looking for her. Believe me when I say you shouldn't be worrying about that", Belle cooed as she placed a gentle arm around her distressed stepfather's shoulders.

"Also, Daisy must be your daughter. The Elizabeth Smith's you both talk about share too many coincidences. They must be the same person", Brian told John. "She is your daughter. We're just waiting for the confirmation. But Daisy being your daughter would be the only logic denouement to this situation".

As soon as Brian finished his sentence, the front door of Daisy's apartment creaked open. Rami and Daisy entered the place, looking strangely tranquil but staggered at the same time.

"Probability of Paternity: 99.9998%. John Deacon is not excluded as the biological father of Daisy Newton", Rami read the inclusion letter, causing everyone to gasp.

"God, she's your daughter!", Brian exclaimed to John as he shook the new father's arm in surprise.

John and Daisy rushed to hug each other in what probably was the tightest and most emotionally charged hug in History, crying tears of joy and holding onto each other as if their lives depended on it.

"I can't believe that, after years and years of paranoia, wondering if I was looking at my biological father in the face of a stranger on a subway or the street, I'm finally face to face with the man who gave me life", Daisy rhapsodized as she battled tears, still holding John very closely to her.

"This is the happiest day of my life, Daisy. I will never let you down", John gibbered as he cupped his daughter's face. It was a scene that would be carved into everyone's memory forever, every single second that passed felt so surreal.

"Thank you for doing this for them. I'm very proud of you", Belle turned to Rami as they both witnessed the blissful moment with Brian.

"I should be thanking you too". Rami smiled and kissed Belle. Brian almost covered his eyes. If anything, he was happy, very happy, that everyone was happy. Including Rami and Belle. He hoped they had finally found some common ground, for the sake of Alice.

But John, Daisy, Brian, Rami and Belle weren't the only people in London who were drowning in happiness. If we were to take a look inside Taylor Enterprise's headquarters, most specifically Roger Taylor's office, we would find an official legal document on his desk, a divorce decree which read:

"The bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between the parties are dissolved and the said LUCY CATHERINE SCARBOROUGH and said ROGER MEDDOWS TAYLOR are divorced each from the other."

And there was heaven for everyone and everyone had their own happy ending.

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